Cheating- Ally Mayfair Richards

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TW: Angst

"Are you leaving again?" I ask Ally, as she comes out of the bathroom, and button up her white, silk blouse.

"It's just this one time y/n" she roll her eyes at me annoyed and turn around to the mirror, to look if she can go to the office so.

"Ally, you did this more than once in this week. It's after 8 pm. Do you don't think you also need a break?" I look up from my book, that I a reading in the bed.

"Please stop this y/n. It's the last time I do this okay?" I can hear in the sound of her voice that she is annoyed from me. 
I decide, it would be the best for the both of us, when I stop asking her and let her go. She wouldn't listen at me, when I say she should stay here.
In the last time, work seems more important for her, then everything else. 

I look back on my book, and continue reading.

In the corner of my eye I can see she, how she literally run through the room, to connect the things she need for work before she comes toward me and press a kiss on my forehead.

"I will be back around 11pm. Don't wait for me. Love you" she say before she close the door behind her. 

I sigh.

She would be not back at 11pm.

I know it, and she know it too.


It was half 12pm as I got a message from Ally.

Ally❤: Hey babe, bad news. But I have to work longer than I thought I have to. They did a big mistake who I have to solve, before it's to late. Love you and sleep well❤

I just read her message and lay my phone back away, took the light out and try to sleep.


I wake up by our room door closing. 

I hear she undressing and taking something new on.

I feel how the mattress is singing behind me and Ally lies down close behind me, under the blanket.

Her arm wrap around my hip and her face against mine neck and place a kiss on my free skin.

"Are you still awake?" she ask me in a whisper. 

"Mhm" was the only response I gave her, as I tangle her arm between mine.

I let her arm go, wanting to turn around in her embrace. 

"Do you have a new perfume?" I ask her as I smell a sentence I never smelled on her before.

"I don't remember that I smelled it before on you" I add and snuggle closer against her. 

"I-yes" Ally answer and lay her arm back around me. 


Ally was working again longer then she said she would do. 

She was all the day in her office and I think it would be a good idea to surprise she and ask if she need something.

I reach the office and get into and up toward her office.

"Hey Jerry" I greet one of Ally's co-worker.

"H-Hey y/n, what are you doing here?" he ask me and look a bit confused.

"I thought maybe I can help you, or better Ally" I smile and walk through the hallway to her office.

"Y/n I am sure you can't help us with something. That's very complicated" he try to hold with me as I walk in a fast speed down to her room.

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