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THE SOLDIERS WERE all around, talking amongst one another as Milan, Shang, Ling, Chien-Po and Yao waited to hear news about Y/n after she had passed out

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THE SOLDIERS WERE all around, talking amongst one another as Milan, Shang, Ling, Chien-Po and Yao waited to hear news about Y/n after she had passed out. Milan paced back and forth out front of the tent before, eventually, the doctor comes out. Shang placed his hand on Milan's shoulder when the boy walked forward.

Seeing the look his captain was giving him, Milan nods, watching as Shang walks to the doctor, the two sharing a few words before the captain walks inside the tent while Yao, Chien-Po and Ling walk towards Milan, stopping beside him.

As Shang enters the tent, Y/n looks to him, groaning a little as she sits up, the blanket coming down, revealing her torso area. Upon seeing that, Shang's eyes widen which Y/n notices, then noticing where he was staring and covers the blanket over herself.

"I can explain." Y/n states.

Chi-Fu suddenly comes in, gasping. "So it's true!"

The captain walks out of the tent as Chi-Fu grabs ahold of the girl's wrist, dragging her out of the tent, catching everyone's attention as she holds the blanket around her.

"I knew there was something wrong with you. A woman!" Chi-Fu announces, taking her hair out of her bun, causing everyone to gasp in shock.

"Y/n..." Milan whispers in shock, making Yao, Ling and Chien-Po to look at him.

Chi-Fu throws the girl to the snow, causing her to groan in pain. "Treacherous snake!"

"My name is Y/n." Y/n informs, meeting Milan's eyes. "I did it to save my father."

"High treason!" Chi-Fu exclaims.

"I didn't mean for it to go this far." Y/n tries.

"Ultimate dishonor!" Chi-Fu continues, only to get shoved to the ground by Milan, who glares at him.

"It was the only way. Please believe me." Y/n pleads.

Standing up to his feet, Chi-Fu scoffs as he walks to Shang. "Captain?"

The said boy glances at Y/n before grabbing her sword from her horse, making the animal go crazy. As the captain walks towards the girl, Milan runs forward, Yao, Ling and Chien-Po trailing behind him but Chi-Fu stops them, seeming proud that the girl was gonna get what she 'deserves'.

Everyone watches as Shang glares at Y/n, who puts her head down, accepting her fate. The boy raises the sword only to drop it in front of her, surprising everyone, including Chi-Fu. Shang doesn't say anything as he starts to walk off.

"Move out!" Shang demands.

"But you can't just--" Chi-Fu protests, stammering.

"I said, "Move out"." Shang repeats firmly, glaring at him.

As the soldiers follow their captain, Milan is the last one as he stares at the girl he loves in front of him, shock still evident in his eyes. The two best friends stare at one another in the eyes before the boy shakes his head, slowly following the others, leaving Y/n to stare at his retreating figure with a frown.


Night had now came as Y/n still found herself in the same spot, now wearing her clothes as she shivered from the cold. Walking by her, her horse places a blanket on her body to warm her up before seating himself behind her.

Seeing the blanket, Cri-Kee hops over, using a bit for himself to warm himself up. Meanwhile, Mushu stood a little bit away from them, looking at an arrow in his hands before throwing it behind him.

"I was this close. This close to impressing the ancestors, getting the top shelf, an entourage." Mushu sadly lists off, sighing. "Man. All my fine work."

Grabbing another arrow, the dragon stabs a piece of food with it, then seating himself beside the girl, who was staring at the ground with a frown as he tries to cook his food.

"Hi." Mushu greets.

"I should never have left home." Y/n states.

"Hey, come on. You went to save your father's life. Who knew you'd end up shaming him and disgracing your ancestors and losing all your friends and the love of your life? You know, you just gotta learn to let these things go." Mushu tells her, quietly crying to himself.

"Maybe I didn't go for my father. Maybe what I really wanted was to prove I could do things right, so when I looked in the mirror, I'd see someone worthwhile." Y/n replies, looking at her reflection from her helmet as a tear runs down her cheek. "But I was wrong. I see nothing."

With that, she throws her helmet on the snow beside Mushu, who glances at it before glancing up at her. The girl doesn't look at him as a few more tears leave her eyes.

"Now, that's just cause this needs a little spit, that's all." Mushu states as he spits on her helmet, trying to clean it. "Let me shine this up for ya." The dragon holds it up to her. "I can see you. Look at you. You look so pretty." She looks away from him, making him frown again. "The truth is, we're both frauds. Your ancestors never sent me. They don't even like me. I mean, you risked your life to help people you love. I risked your life to help myself. At least you had good intentions."

Cri-Kee climbs onto Y/n's helmet, laying on it as he starts to cry.

"What? What do you mean, "You're not lucky"? You lied to me?" Mushu asks, getting a nod before he looks to the horse. "And what are you, a sheep?" The horse grumbles in response.

"I'll have to face my father sooner or later." Y/n reminds. "Let's go home."

"Yeah. This ain't gonna be pretty. But don't you worry, okay? Things will work out." Mushu assures. "We started this thing together, and that's how we'll finish it." With small smiles, they share a hug. "I promise."

Eventually, they pull away where Y/n stands up, unwrapping the blanket around her and placing it back on her horse, getting ready to go home. All of a sudden, a loud shout is heard from a deep voice, catching their attention.

Mushu, Cri-Kee and Y/n all go to the edge, watching as many Huns remerge from the snow, stopping in front of their leader, Shan-Yu. The three watch the Huns look to the Imperial City, immediately knowing what was about to happen. Gasping, Y/n runs to her sword, picking it up from the snow and sheathing it before mounting her horse, going in the direction of the city.

Mushu points in another direction. "Uh, home is that way."

"I have to do something." Y/n argues.

"Did you see those Huns? They popped out of the snow... Like daises!" Mushu observes.

"Are we in this together or not?" Y/n questions.

Mushu glances at Cri-Kee, who chirps before he nods. "Well, let's go kick some Hunny buns! Yee-haw!"

And with that, the dragon and the cricket hop onto the horse as they ride off towards the city.

𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐇𝐄𝐑𝐎 𝐎𝐅 𝐂𝐇𝐈𝐍𝐀, 𝗆𝖺𝗅𝖾! 𝗆𝗎𝗅𝖺𝗇Where stories live. Discover now