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BACK AT Y/N'S HOME, the girl's father sat at a bench by a lake

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BACK AT Y/N'S HOME, the girl's father sat at a bench by a lake. The same bench he last sat with his daughter before she had ran away to join the army in his place secretly. The petals from the tree above him slowly continued to fall from the slight breeze that came by occasionally.

One petal landed on the man's knee, to which he picks it up and stares at the pink petal with a frown, wishing his daughter could just come home. Ever since she left, he hadn't stopped thinking about her. Thinking about the little argument they had just hours before she left. He wish he could've said something else, knowing that if she didn't go then he would've and he probably wouldn't have made it.

Walking through a small arch way, Y/n's gaze lands on her father, watching as he stared at the petal sadly, a large frown evident on his face. Taking a deep breath, she steps forward, walking over to her father, who looks over upon hearing the sound of footsteps, his eyes widening.

Her father gasps. "Y/n!"

Y/n kneels in front of him. "Father, I brought you the sword of Shan-Yu. And the crest of the Emperor." The girl hands him the sword, then taking off the crest and placing it on top. "They're gifts to honor the L/n family."

The next thing he did surprised her. The man dropped the sword and the crest to the ground, then getting off the bench and onto his knees, wrapping his arms around his daughter in a tight hug, who's eyes went wide, not expecting that.

"The greatest gift and honor is having you for a daughter." Her father tells her, making her smile. "I've missed you so."

"I've missed you too, Baba." Y/n replies.

As the father and daughter continue to hug, the girl's mother and grandmother walk out, eyes watching their interaction. Her mother sighs in happiness with a smile, happy her daughter was finally home.

"Great. She brings home a sword. If you ask me, she should've brought home a man. More specifically, she should've brought home Milan." Her grandmother states.

"Excuse me." A deep voice calls from behind them. The two women look over, seeing Milan standing there, holding a helmet. "Is Y/n here?"

With wide eyes, the two women point behind them where Y/n was with her father. Of course, Milan had always been over but they were rather surprised as to why the boy needed her now. Milan walks past them, mumbling a small 'thank you' as he walks over to Y/n and her father.

The boy stops in front of the father and daughter, stammering out something when his gaze lands on the girl.

"Uh... You forgot your helmet." Milan informs, then turning to her father. "Well, actually, it's your helmet, isn't it? I mean..."

Seeing her father gesturing to the boy with a knowing smile, the man looks away as the girl walks forward, pressing her lips to Milan's. At first, the boy's eyes widen before immediately kissing back while the girl takes the helmet from his hands.

"Would you like to stay for dinner?" Y/n asks.

"Would you like to stay forever, Milan?" Her grandmother calls from where she stood.

"Dinner would be great." Milan states.

Meanwhile, inside the ancestors temple, the great ancestor leans against the window frame as he watches the young couple's interaction with a smile just as Mushu climbs up.

Mushu nudges him. "Come on. Who did a good job? Come on. Tell me. Who did a good job?"

"Alright! You can be a guardian again." The great ancestor replies, rolling his eyes.

Mushu let's out a cheer while Cri-Kee hits the gong, waking up the rest of the ancestors. The cricket then starts playing music, all of them dancing. After a minute, Mushu found himself being pushed out of the temple, looking up to see Y/n looking down at him.

"Thanks, Mushu." Y/n says, placing a kiss on his head.

Just then, the girl's dog runs past them and into the temple, the chickens then following afterwards.

"Mushu!" The great ancestor exclaims.

With wide eyes, Y/n quickly runs off, murmuring a 'bye' to the dragon as she heads down the stairs, soon meeting up with Milan at the bottom. The boy smiles at her, taking her hand and pulling her into him.

They stare into each other's eyes before leaning in, pressing their lips against one another's in another passionate kiss as they sway side to side as if they were slow dancing.

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