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THE SUN WAS shining high up in the sky, shining down on the civilians in the small town of China as fireworks exploded in the blue sky

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THE SUN WAS shining high up in the sky, shining down on the civilians in the small town of China as fireworks exploded in the blue sky. Inside the L/n ancestors temple, Mushu watched the colorful fireworks with a frown. About a few days had gone by since the couple had been married, the princesses were able to be with the men they loved and they had gone their way back home to their families.

With a frown, letting out a small sigh, the dragon walks away from the window of the temple, stopping in front of a picture that was hanging on the wall of him and the great ancestor. Feeling his bottom lip quiver, he reaches forward and grabs it, taking it off the wall, dragging it along the wooden pillars he was walking along before stopping in front of his suitcase, Cri-Kee on the top.

The cricket watches his friend sniffle before placing the brush in the suitcase, adding the picture inside as the paper folded up when it landed inside the suitcase. Reaching over, the dragon grabs a gong, looking at his reflection through the shiny gold while letting out a sad sigh.

"I can't believe I'm back on wake up duty. Well, Y/n is happy. And if she's happy, I'm happy." Mushu admits, to which Cri-Kee chirps while lightly punching his nose in a friendly manner. "Oh, thank you, Cri-Kee. I did do good, didn't I?"

"Better get your rest, Mushu." A voice intervenes, making them look up to see all Y/n's ancestors floating above them. "I have a yoga session at dawn, and I don't want to be late for my greetings to the sun."

"And don't forget. I like to be awakened from my beauty sleep with a nice long foot massage." Another ancestor adds, putting her foot right in front of his face.

Mushu gags. "I think I'm gonna be sick."

All the ancestors laugh as the dragon rushes away from them, placing his hand over his mouth before he runs into the wall, dropping onto the wooden pillar he had been standing on the entire time. However, they all stop laughing at the sound of footsteps, seeing Y/n and Milan heading inside the temple together hand in hand, a box being held in-between Milan's other arm and his side. They watch as they stop in front of the ruins, the boy kneeling down and opening up the box.

Y/n chuckles. "Milan, what are you doing?"

"Watch and see." Milan replies, grabbing a stone ruin from the box.

"What is he doing?" A ghost asks, repeating Y/n's question.

A headless ghost gasps. "It can't be. He's combining the family temples."

"Excuse me, uh, what does that mean exactly? You know, for me?" Mushu questions, looking up at them.

"It means..." The great ancestor begins, trailing off with a displeased look.

Mushu nods eagerly. "Yeah, what, what? It means what?"

"Unfortunately, you get to keep your pedestal." The great ancestor whines, the other ghosts doing the same.

"Oh, yeah. I'm back, baby. I am back!" Mushu cheers.

The ancestors all watch as he jumps back and forth on some stones at the top before he was landing down on the floor of the temple, sliding along the floor as he stopped right in front of the couple. Realizing he had just revealed himself to Milan as for all he knew, Y/n only knew about him and being a talking dragon, the dragon's eyes widen as he lets out a small 'oops', covering his mouth.

Milan raises a brow. "So this is the famous Mushu? Somehow I pictured you bigger."

"Say what? You told him about me? About us?" Mushu asks with wide eyes, looking up at the girl.

Y/n nods, chuckling as Milan takes her hand. "I have no secrets from my husband, Mushu. I told him everything."

Mushu gulps. "'Everything' everything?"

"That's right, Great Golden Dragon of Unity." Milan replies as he goes on one knee, pretending to bow while giving the dragon a wink before standing back up.

"I still don't get it. What does combining our temples do?" Y/n questions.

"It gives me back my pedestal." Mushu tells her, jumping on his tail in excitement.

"Oh. Wait, but can you do this? Aren't there rules?" Y/n asks, looking right at her husband.

Milan nods. "Of course. Right next to the rules about dressing up like a man and joining the army."

Mushu laughs, hopping on his head. "Well, what do you know? This thing just might work out after all." He hops back onto the floor. "Hey, yo, where's my masseuse? Saving China gives me knots like you wouldn't believe. And what about my pedicure? Let's get jamming on the toe jam, people. And somebody heat up some oil. I don't know what we're gonna do with it yet, but it's gonna be good."

The couple share a chuckle as the dragon talks to the ancestors while they hold each other before Milan grabs his wife's hand, leading her out of the temple as Mushu continues to speak to the ancestors. When they got to the bottom of the stairs of the temple, Y/n goes to walk forward, only to be pulled back in a twirl by her husband before he wrapped his arms around her waist, hers going around his shoulders as they swayed side by side, their lips meeting in a passionate kiss.

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