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THE SUN WAS shining high up in China as the sound of hooves slamming against the ground could be heard every few seconds that went by

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THE SUN WAS shining high up in China as the sound of hooves slamming against the ground could be heard every few seconds that went by. The clouds were high in the sky, slowly moving to one side as the sun was slowly beginning to go down, showing that night was coming like it always has been.

The birds were chirping loudly as they always did while flying in the sky, sometimes flying right beside the clouds as they didn't have a care on what was going down right below them. A man could be seen standing near a dirt road, in his garden with a rake in his hand just as the sound of a horse neighing filled his ears.

Head snapping up to the sound of hooves, he stops his work and watches as the newly engaged couple were riding on their horses and to their destination at the emperor's palace. Milan was just a bit ahead on his horse in front of Y/n as they rode past the man. In a small sack that was hooked onto Y/n's horse's saddle, Mushu opened up the sack and peaked out as he moved around from the impact of the riding.

"Uh, Y/n, could you smooth out the ride a little bit?" Mushu calls, announcing his presence. "Oh, I'm getting horsesick."

Y/n furrows her brows, glancing at him. "Mushu. What are you doing here?"

"Hey, whither thou go, I goest, girl. Remember, teamwork isn't about ego, it's about we go." Mushu states just as Cri-Kee pops up. "Cri-Kee. What are you doing here?" Y/n laughs as Cri-Kee chirps. "Protect Y/n from me? I'm her guardian." Cri-Kee chirps with a smile. "Yeah, yeah, you're her lucky cricket. You're lucky I don't break out the bug spray."

The couple continue riding in their destination, the Emperor's palace soon coming into their sight. As they ride through town and soon stop in front of the palace, Milan hops off his horse before holding out his hand for his fiancé. Hand in hand, they head inside, seeing two familiar faces.

Their friend, Li Shang, stood by the Emperor as he looks to the sound of the door opening, giving his two friends a smile. As the couple walk towards them, the three were soon bowing on their knees as the Emperor stood in front of them.

"As we stand here, Mongol forces are moving closer to our border. The threat of attack is growing everyday. As it is, our army is hopelessly outnumbered." The Emperor explains.

"Your Majesty, let me lead my forces in a preemptive strike. Each of my warriors will fight like ten Mongols." Shang speaks up.

The Emperor shakes his head. "No, General. I plan to defeat this army without the use of force. Instead, we will forge a union so strong, the Mongol hordes won't dare attack. An alliance with the kingdom of Qui Gong. We will become united through marriage. You will escort three princesses to Qui Gong. There, they will marry Lord Chin's sons and seal this critical alliance."

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