Bryanna's POV:
It was 8:00 and school started in 20 minutes. 'Sophia better be ready or I'm leaving without her.' I couldn't sleep at all last night. After what happened at the park I just couldn't stop thinking about it. I was in my car constantly checking the clock. The sound of the passenger door opening interrupted my thoughts.
“I'M SO SORRY!” “DON”T YELL SO EARLY IN THE MORNING!” “I SAID I”M SORRY!” I was about to open my mouth again, but knowing this would only lead to more yelling I just closed it. “So, how did the date go?”, asked Sophia as she tilted her head to the side. “It was fine.”, I said. I could feel myself getting warm. “Ooooh, something happened?” “Sophia I promise I will tell you at lunch. Right now I just want to get to school.” “What's the rush 'Ms. School'?” “Do you want to stay in school for an extra two hours?” “Ok, ok I get it.” “He kissed me by the way on the cheek.”, I stated as I parked in the school parking lot. “WAIT! WHAT!?” “Nope. Wait till lunch!”, I shouted as I ran out of my car and went into school. Sophia just sat there with a blank expression on her face....PRICELESS!
*Time skip*
Sophia's POV:
It was sixth period and I was in English class. My teacher kept ranting about pronouns and common nouns. ' We freaking learned this in like the fourth grade!' I didn't even act like I was listening. I was too busy doodling food. Then, I remembered Saturday's events with Alfred. That only made me wonder how Bryanna's date went. I drew a picture of giant question mark.
“MAN!”, I shouted unintentionally. “Correct Sophia the word man in the sentence should not be capitalized.” , said my teacher Mr. Adams. Everyone started snickering. “Shut up! At least I answered the question!” “That's enough! Let's continue with the lesson!” Only five minutes until lunch. I am determined to find out what happened Sunday.
RRRRIIIIIIINNNGGG! “Class dismissed.”, announced Mr. Adams. “HELL YEAH!”, I grabbed my things and sprinted out the room. Leaving the entire class dumbfounded. I ran straight to the cafeteria. Surprisingly, Bryanna was already there.
“Sophia!” “What?! Tell me everything!” “No! I just found out there is a dance!” “What are you talking about?” “Look!”, Bryanna pointed to a poster. “That's.....AMAZING!!” “I know! I love homecoming week!” “Me too, but why are you telling me this instead of letting me stuff my food hole?” “Come on let's get lunch and then I will tell you.” “WHY DO YOU KEEP LEAVING ME CONFUSED!”, I shouted as she dragged me to the lunch line.
We finally sat down and I started to chow down! “Ok so you know how we are juniors now right?” “Yeah?” “You know how they get to help decorate the dances?” I stopped eating and look up at her. “Do you mean we..?” “OUR HOMEROOM TEACHER PICKED US TO PLAN THE DANCE!!!” We both started squealing. The other students didn't even care at this point since they got used to our odd behavior already. “So now that that is out of the way how did the date go?” Bryanna started blushing.... 'SHE LOOKS SO CUTE LIKE THAT!' She started to tell me the entire story. Then, the bell rang to go back class right as she finished. “See you in homeroom Sophia!” “Of course my horse!”, I shouted as I waved good-bye.

Love Is For Weirdos
FanfictionI'm sorry if the story sucks. I wrote this for a close friend of mine. I would still appreciate some criticism though so I know how to improve, but please don't be too harsh. And for people who are actually going to read it thank you for taking a lo...