Bryanna's POV:
I woke up to the sound of my radio alarm clock playing “Rude-By MAGIC!”. As I was getting ready for my date at noon I danced along to the music.
“Why you gotta be so rude? Don't you know I'm human too? I'm gonna marry her anyways.”
“BRYANNA YOU'RE SINGING SOUNDS LIKE CRAP!!” I forgot Sophia stayed over since she was too lazy to go home. “WELL SORRY!” She got up and took a pair of my jeans and an old t-shirt to change into. “You will give that back right?” “No questions in the morning. That's like my only rule man. You should be arrested for it, but I'm too lazy.” “Sophia, you can be such a dork!” She shrugged my comment off and headed into my kitchen.
After a while of getting ready I successfully straightened my long brown hair. It felt so silky and soft. I changed into a pink fluffy sweater and black skirt. I wore a black beret and tan-ish socks with pink flats that had big black bows on the tips. I went into my living room to find Sophia eating cereal and watching cartoons......'how mature'. She turned around and looked me over.
“DAYMN! YOU LOOK SEXY!” “WHAT!?” “Well what do you want me to say that you look bad?” “NO! BUT THAT'S JUST A WEIRD THING TO SAY!” “Says the girl that likes Oreos and peanut butter.” “Damn you.” Sophia got up and like the weirdo that she is she smelled me.
“Sophia! What are you doing!?” She looked at me like I was insane. “I wanted to make sure that you smelled nice for Antonio? What else could I be doing?” “I don't know?” “Just put on perfume.” “Fine.” I walked out to find my perfume and gum. Just in case.
It was finally noon and it was time for Antonio to pick me up, I waited outside with Sophia beside me. “You don't have to wait here you know.”, I said getting a little annoyed by her clingy-ness. “I will leave as soon as I see him pick you up. I need to make sure he didn't bail on you.” I then remembered why I'm friends with Sophia. She cares so much about me in her own odd way. That is why we have been friends since the eighth grade. Suddenly, a white Escalade pulled onto my drive way and took me out of my thoughts.
Spain's POV:
I parked onto Bryanna's drive way. As soon as I saw her outfit only one word came to mind..........'hermosa'. Sophia stood beside her and they both waved at me.
“Antonio!”, shouted Bryanna as I got out of my car. “Hola chica. You ready for today?” “Yeah. Let's go.” Then Sophia pushed Bryanna into the car. “Have fun you two! And Antonio be careful. This one is sassy.” “I AM NOT!” “See?” I could laugh because her actions reminded me of France. “Alright. Bye Sophia.” “BYE-BYE!”, she shouted as we drove away. I turn to see a very red Bryanna.
Bryanna's POV:
'That damn Sophia! I'm going to pulverize her when this is over.' “Are you alright?” “Yeah. I'm fine. I apologize about Sophia. She tends to do her own thing, but she means well.” “It's ok chica. She reminds me of my own friends.” “Really?” “Si. We all have our crazy friends.” I turn on the radio and hum along to the music for the rest of the ride.
“We are here!” I got out of the car to see a beautiful park. It had a lake with flowers floating in it. There were humming birds, weeping willow trees and everything looked like a dream. “Do you like it?” “Yes! It looks amazing!” “Good because I thought we could have a picnic here.” “Sounds like fun.” I gave him a big smile. I could be wrong, but I think he turned a little pink.
Spain's POV:
I found a small spot under a tree to set up the picnic. Bryanna helped me set up the blanket and plates. She sat across from me and stared at the sky. She looked amazing without even trying.
“Earth to Antonio! You home there buddy?”, Bryanna waved her hand in front of my face. “Que? What happened?” “You were staring at me.”, she started to giggle. 'Muy linda.' “ANTONIO!” “ESTOY AQUI!”, I yelled as I fell overbackwards. “You were zoning out again.”, she kept on laughing. “Oh yeah?”, I grabbed the picnic basket beside me and pulled out a tomato. I then threw it at her. “So? That's how we are going to act huh?”, she then grabbed two tomatoes from the basket and bombarded me with them!
We continued to throw food at each other until we ran out. “Bryanna is there any food left? I'm a little hungry now.” “No, but we could try to eat some of the food that is left on our shirts.”, she got her finger and wiped some tomato sauce off my face. Then, she licked it. “YUM! Too bad we couldn't eat them.” I could feel myself turn red.
“Antonio? It's still early do you want to walk for a little bit?” “Yeah, but don't you want to change?” “Nah! I've been through a lot worse.” “Alright let's go.” We both got up and packed everything. We dropped them off in my car and walked around the lake.
Bryanna's POV:
We walked in silence for a while. We were halfway around the park and about to turn back. Although, I stopped to see one of the flowers by the lake. Antonio must have noticed me admiring them. He went and picked it to put it in my hair. “You know something Bryanna?” “What?”, a faint color of pink started to creep onto my face as I looked straight into his emerald green eyes. “This flower can't be compared to someone as beautiful as you. Eres bonita.” Right then and there couldn't have been a worse time to blush. “Are you ok you seem red.” “Y-yeah I'm f-f-fine.” He smiled at me and replied, “Oh I understand now. Well let's get you home then.”
*Timeskip brought to you by England's scones*
Antonio pulled onto my drive way. I was about to get out of the car and thank him for the date, but he grabbed my wrist. “Bryanna I hope you enjoyed yourself today.” He let go and kissed me on the cheek. “T-thanks for today. B-bye!” I practically ran out the car and almost tripped on my face. I could see him laugh as he drove away.
'All I want to do is go and crash into my bed.' I slowly unlocked my door. When I got inside I went into my bed room. My parents weren't home from work yet so I could sleep in peace. Then I noticed the back of my bed room door had a purple sticky note stuck to it. “UUUGGGHHHHH!!!! WHY ME!?”, I pretty much crawled to get the sticky note. I read it slowly so I could process it ( after today I could barely think) ' To: Bryanna. CALL ME AND TELL ME THE DETAILS OF THE DATE! DID HE KISS YOU? HOW DID IT GO? PLEASE CALL AS SOON AS YOU CAN! -Love Sophia.' “ She is going to drive me crazy one day.” I crumbled up the note and leaped onto my bed for a well deserved nap.
*Translations for the Spanish phrases*
-Muy linda: Really cute
-Estoy aqui: I'm here
-Eres bonita:You are pretty

Love Is For Weirdos
FanficI'm sorry if the story sucks. I wrote this for a close friend of mine. I would still appreciate some criticism though so I know how to improve, but please don't be too harsh. And for people who are actually going to read it thank you for taking a lo...