Both POV:
“So in conclusion, we thought we could just throw the Homecoming ourselves. We just need a little of the school's budget for a DJ.”, said Bryanna to the principle. We were at school and decided to miss lunch to get permission for the dance ( much to Sophia's dismay.) “Girls I have to say it sounds like a splendid idea. I will give you a five hundred dollar budget. You may start to give out tickets and make your posters after school.” “Thank you sir. We will do our best.”, said Sophia as they started to walk out the room.
As soon as we left the office and were in the hallway we couldn't hold it in, “YAY! WE GET TO THROW THE DANCE!!” We started our walk back to class since lunch was about to end in a couple minutes and did a little victory dance on the way.
* Time skip by Belgium's waffles*
“Sophia aren't you happy that we get to plan the dance and most importantly that you get to plan it with Alfred?”, asked Bryanna as we were outside the school. “Yeah, but we missed lunch.”, said Sophia while crossing her arms and pouting. “YOU SAID THE SCHOOL LUNCH WAS CRAPPY!” “I DON'T CARE FOOD IS FOOD!” “Whatever. Are the guys on their way?” “I was texting Alfred during Biology. He said they'd be here already.” Suddenly a green pick up truck appeared in front of the school's parking lot. It almost crashed into a teacher's car!
“YO DUDES! WE MADE IT!”, shouted an all too familiar voice. “YEAH WE MADE IT ALIVE YOU WANKER!” “I-I-I WILL NEVER RIDE WITH YOU AGAIN! ESTUPIDO!” Bryanna and Sophia looked at each other and started cautiously walking towards the truck.
Bryanna's POV:
Sophia and I started to walk up to the truck. We saw the idiots getting out with a laughing Alfred behind them. “Alfie!”, shouted Sophia glomping him in the process. “Hey dudett!” “So what took you so long Antonio?”, I asked. “This PENDEJO ALMOST KILLED US! All for a couple of hamburgers!” “I agree with Antonio! We almost died!” “Dudes calm down! WE STILL GOT THE BURGERS!” Alfred triumphantly held up two bags full of burgers and fries for everyone.
We all started to walk inside the school together to find an empty classroom to make the posters in. “Arthur? Did you bring the glitter.”, I asked. The group stared at him. “Yeah. It's in my pocket love.” “HAHA! England is so lame bringing glitter! Where did you find it? Did your delusions give it too you! HAHAHAHA!” “What do you mean delusions?”, Sophia and I asked. “Well Artie here says he sees tinkerbell and a flying mint bunny! LOL!” “Hahahhahaha! You are truly crazy amigo!” “Shut up! And yes I did get it from them! So there!” England stuck out his tongue out at Antonio and Alfred. “Stop being so childish!”, I said. “No, let them continue! They are kinda cute this way.” , said Sophia. The boys looked at us and started blushing madly. “Oh your right Sophia. Lets leave them then.”
The boys were left being red as a tomatoes, we continued walking to the art room. If we can't find an empty classroom the next best thing is to use the art room.
“Well this is it! Let's get the KRAZY GLUE!!”, shouted Sophia. “NOOO! I don't want a repeat of the eighth grade!”, I shouted while shielding myself with Arthur. “May I ask what happened?” “Si, this sounds interesting.” Antonio gave a smirk and I immediately gave in. “Fine!” “OOOHH STORY TIME! I WILL GET THE BURGER BRO!” “YES FOOD!” They started to eat like they were starving animals.
“Calm down! Ok so when I first met Sophia we were in art class working on a project together. We wanted to just put googly eyes on a shell Sophia found. There wasn't anymore regular glue and FOR SOME REASON SOPHIA HAD KRAZY GLUE WITH HER!!” I glared at her and she just casually popped a french fry in her mouth. “Hey I was going to prank a teacher which involved krazy glue, thumbtacks, syrup, and whipped cream. So don't blame me!” “Anyways she got the thing stuck to my hair! We had to present to the class. And they ended up cutting it out.” “Then, how are you and Sophia still friends?”, asked Arthur. “I apologized and took her to my house.”, said Sophia “You practically kidnapped me!” “Well you had fun didn't you?!” “What did you do?”, asked Spain. “She just shared her stash of Halloween candy with me. That's when I realized she wasn't mean. Just dorky.” “You got that right now lets get started on the posters!”, exclaimed Sophia fist pumping the air in the process.
Sophia's POV:
We all started to work on the posters. Antonio, Bryanna, and England were working double time since Alfred and I just kept throwing glitter at each other. “DANG IT YOU TWO STOP THROWING GLITTER AROUND!”, shouted Bryanna. “Well this wouldn't be a problem if I could just simply use the krazy glue.” “NO WAY!” “YO! THIS POSTER LOOKS TOTALLY BOMB!!” We all stared at his work. I laughed like a maniac. “What? What's wrong with it?” “It-it........ IT”S JUST A BUNCH OF DRAWINGS OF BURGERS!”, I screamed trying to hold in my laughter. “Yeah? I still don't see the problem.”, said Alfred laughing at the fact he didn't see anything wrong with the poster. “The PROBLEM! IS THAT WE ARE SUPPOSED TO BE PROMOTING THE PARTY NOT BLOODY BURGERS!!!”, shouted England. “OH! THAT MAKES MORE SENSE NOW!” “Is Alfred always like this?”, asked Bryanna. “Si.” “Sadly, yes.”, replied a very annoyed Arthur and Antonio.
At six 'o' clock we all started to pack up our stuff before the janitor began locking everything up. I wish I had more time with Alfred. I started blushing at the thought of just being near him. “Hey Sophia? You alright sassy pants?”, questioned Bryanna with a smirk. “I'M PERFECT NEVER BEEN BETTER!! JUST PLAIN PEACHY!!!!” “DUDE CALM DOWN!” “POR FAVOR!” “STOP YELLING!”, exclaimed Arthur. “S-s-sorry.” I kept my head down and stayed quiet until we reached the parking lot. “BYE BOYS! Sophia aren't you going to say good-bye?”, asked Bryanna. “B-bye.” “What's wrong Sophia? You seem down.”, said Arthur. “Yo? Everything ok?”, asked Alfred.
'His face......I can't bear to see it sad.' “I'm ok.. just go home I'm fine.....really.”, I said trying to smile. I don't know why, but I get knots in my stomach just the thought that I embarrassed myself in front of him. “Well we have to go, but see you tomorrow to help with the party supplies. Ok bruh?” , said Alfred while giving me that charming smile. I only nodded in return.
“Adios Bryanna.”, said Antonio as he gave Bryanna a hug. England waited in the truck. He looked very annoyed with Alfred and Antonio's actions. The guys got in the truck and left. Antonio and Alfred waved as they drove away. It was now our turn to turn red. ♡♡+.゚(→ε←*)゚+.゚

Love Is For Weirdos
FanfictionI'm sorry if the story sucks. I wrote this for a close friend of mine. I would still appreciate some criticism though so I know how to improve, but please don't be too harsh. And for people who are actually going to read it thank you for taking a lo...