11) It's A Date

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My morning classes may have grown more lonely since Theodore and his foster cousin, Hannah, had to visit their family in rural New York for some business, but Jo was doing her best to take his spot. If he doesn't come back soon, he may find himself fully replaced by the short, bubbly brunette. I hadn't questioned it when she told me they would be away, but I hadn't seen him since that sunny day last week.

I thought it odd that his brother hadn't gone with him. If what Ella said was anything to go by, he doesn't really talk to his cousins.

"Hey, Aqua!" Inés greeted, waving at me as I approached the table, still using her finger as a bookmark. I wonder if she ever used an actual bookmark?

As I sat down in the seat next to my sister's bag, she ran her fingers through her hair, pulling the long, dark strands away from her face. "Has anyone asked you to the Winter Formal, yet? It's right after Christmas Break, this year."

"Which is really weird." I glance up at her as she sets her tray on the table. "Normally they do it the Saturday before Christmas break."

"I heard it's because of a technical malfunction," Inés's boyfriend suggested as he gave her a quick peck on the seat, pulling a chair next to her from an empty table near us. "Or," he leaned forward conspiratorially, "It's because of the blood moon happening that Saturday." He lowered his voice as he glanced suspiciously around. "Legends say that when a blood moon and a full moon coincide, the veil between worlds thins and demons walk among us."

Ella glared at him. "Shut up, Millard."

With a laugh, he caught the apple she threw at him.

"He's just trying to scare you," she apologised, turning to me. "He's an ass. I personally don't know why Inés keeps him around."

I greeted Mare with a smile as she and Annie sat down with their trays. "I thought it was fairies, not demons who walk the earth?" I inquired, turning my attention back to Ella and Millard. "Or was it ghosts?" I shrugged. "Either way, I'm pretty sure that one isn't the 'demon' moon." Taking the orange Mare handed me, I added, "Besides, it's actually because they tried to order decorations from Amazon, but the trucks got delayed by a blizzard. I overheard Principal Dillards talking to Mr. Mr. Nylén about it after Advisory this morning."

Ella stuck her tongue out at Millard. "Anyway, I decided I wanted to go shopping last night and have been cornering the girl's all morning." Twisting the thin, silver ring on her index finger, she smiled at me. "You, missy, somehow seem to be able to completely avoid me until lunch. Do you want to come?"

"I don't think so," I apologised. "I really want to get at least the rough draft of my paper done for English." Digging my nail into the orange peel, the pleasant scent of citrus wafted up. "Though, we could have a movie night the Saturday before the break."

Annie glanced up, slightly sheepish. "We could do it at my house. My dad is working a night shift and doesn't want me to be alone."

Ella clapped her hands. "It's a date."

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