16) An Offer and A Theory

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"So?" Ella whispered, voice high in an excited squeal as she latched onto my arm, pulling me towards the lunch table. Her energy radiated like a force of nature as it practically vibrated through the loud air.

Theodore's rich chuckle hummed behind us, a contrast to Ella's high-pitched inquisition. Glancing back at him, I mouthed an apology which was met by him shaking his head, his eyes crinkled with amusement. It was so weird how different he was when we were under a more public view. He kept his smile softer, preventing his scar from tugging down the corner of his lips. Nor did his eyes squint as much. It seemed as if everyone of his actions were to avoid attention to himself and especially his scar.

With a soft laugh, I turned my attention back to the eager blonde, dragging me towards the table filling with our closer friends. "So, what?" I titled my head, a little confused by her palpable enthusiasm. Though I must admit, I missed this; the affectionate interrogations.

Her gaze darted back to Theodore for a moment before leaning closer to me, her voice dropping to a stage whisper, "Had he asked you to the Winter Formal yet?" She tightened her grip on my arm, excitement coursing through her. "I mean, it isn't like he had much time left."

The corner of my lips tugged upwards as I shook my head. The excitement in her eyes was impossible to miss as she watched me, practically vibrating with anticipation. I didn't want to ruin her fun, but it wouldn't do any good to fuel the delusions. "Ella—"

"Come on, Aqua," she complained as I sat next to my sister. "Mary has already given me your excuses. You two are so cute together and if he's too scared to ask you, you could always just ask him. Only Prom and Morp are really specific to who is doing the asking."

I sighed as I crossed my leg over the other. "Please drop it, Elliana. It wasn't an excuse. Theodore and I are really just friends."

"Okay, I'll drop it." Grabbing the brownie from Annie's lunch tray, she turned back to me. "Has any other guy asked you yet?"

Annie took the bread from her tray and handed it to Ella, mumbling under her breath. "Stupid gluten."

"I'm not going," I shrugged. When she opened her mouth to argue, I continued, "The only dance I ever go to is Prom. The rest are never as fun, but I can help with makeup and hair."

"It has been her designated job for every dance," Mary added, defending my choice.

Guilt tugged at me as I noticed how defeated she looked. "It would be nice to have someone who knows not to dry brush my hair," she nodded. "But we are going all out for both the day date for Prom and the dresses. My cousin is the Senior Class President and she told me that they are choosing between 'Once Upon A Time' and 'Masquerade'."

"Oh my gosh!" Inés's exclamation pierced through the bustling cafeteria, resonating with an intensity that drew attention from several kids who have clearly forgotten how public school works. Her voice, twisting with disbelief and uncontainable excitement, carried across several tables, drawing the attention of Theodore's family near the door.

Millard, uncertain of the tone he detected from his girlfriend, stood, shoulders pulled back, ready to protect. Gently grabbing her arms when she reached him, bringing her to a sudden halt, he searched her face tentatively. "Oh my gosh. Oh my gosh. Oh my fucking gosh!" she repeated, her voice a fervent echo of her initial exclamation.

Ella, ever the embodiment of vivacity, sprang to her feet as soon as the words left Inés's lips. The news had ignited her unquenchable curiosity. Pulling Inés away from her boyfriend, her eagerness was palpable as she gripped her shoulders. "Spit it out!" She demanded, anticipation dancing in her eyes, a flicker of electricity charging the air around her.

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