One regret for twenty episodes (or ten hours)

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   . Why? I found a great series. You're not a teenager now. I know but it was so funny, and it is. I think you better set a timer on your computer. I did. And you ignored it? I did. For watching the series? For watching about half of that. Wow. Yes it was wow. No, I mean it's you, you're in your middle or even late thirty now dude. I know but I think my age isn't an issue here. Yes it is. Why ? Cause you have to bring any loaves of bread to your family dining table. I know and I did. And

   you watched that great series by sacrificing your sanity of today or even tomorrow? But I had three cycles of my sleep after then. That's why I called you here, you are not functioning well. I think it's getting better. By what. By short naps, walks, and some coffee like this. Okay, but you have to handle this writing stuff before two of them, and you already swallowed your last pill. I did and that's why I need more coffee here, may I? Yes you may but you better take a sleep first

   I believe. But I am okay. Don't cheat yourself, I can see the fog upon your face. Can you? I can. Okay. Okay what. I will take a nap now. But you have to finish this first as I said. Though you do also say I need a nap. Yes you do, what I intended is don't relying on the caffeine then choose a healthier option like a nap. Oh I see. Okay then let's get down to the business. Yes we will. That is today's piece, right? Right. And you're writing about your overnight last night. That's right. ...

   (this part is on the "physical" page)


   , I'm back. Welcome back, dude, so are you fresh now? Quite right though not enough. Why? I didn't take a nap, I did but just for a sec to be precise. Oh why? There were a couple around me  and they're so annoying. Why? Cause I was lying right in front of them. Why? As they chose just after me to appreciate the ocean over my body. I don't understand. Me neither. No I'm saying it is you who is not understandable to pick the ocean to take a nap on. Not ocean, but beach. Not

   matter, anyhow why did you try to take a nap right in front of the risks of being drowned or at most annoyed by any tourists like them? They were not tourists, they sounded simply enjoying their sunny Sunday I guess. At the end of the day literally you didn't take a nap literally. Almost literally. And you are sitting before this screen maybe in the same state of insanity, insomnia or just both? I, though, took a walk and had no coffee as I and you said though. Sounds so helpful

   It worked at part. And or but that's why you have kept bushing around the same topic of your lack of sleep up to now, right? I think you are right, again. Yes. Yes you are right, again. Okay. O- kay. So, is this your work, today? I think it might be. And that on the "physical" paper too. Page   , to be precise. Are you satisfied, by the way? At part, at least. Which part? May I be honest? You must be. I finished the series. You finished D series. Yes I did D one. D 1. D1 up to the latest. Hah

   Oh, I learnt

1. I love comedy

2. probably more than

3. serious mysterious and

sci-fantasy stuffs than I thought

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