Betrayal and abandonment

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I laid in my bed quietly. Me and bill weren't working out very well at the moment. I'd cast him out a lot and then we'd fight a bit. Sometimes I'd wake up alone and find him downstairs sitting in the living room alone and thinking. It was odd. One day I had came back from a walk in the forest holding the fourth journal and setting it aside when I got back. I slid off my shoes and called "Bill! I'm back" I called confused not finding him in the house. I winced when I felt a pain in my hand and then exhilaration shoot through my body. I shivered and looked around confused before I ran out to start looking for him. It felt like I ran forever but I stopped when in the middle of green and brown colours I saw yellow and red flashes. I ran over to see what it was and suddenly my heart broke all in one as he held a note book and copied a summoning circle down on the grass with powder most likely flower since it coted so easily. I stared quietly and asked "Bill..?"

Fear shot through both of our bodies as his eye flickered up to me "D-dipper" he mumbled before saying "it's not what it looks like" he said

I looked down at it and said "liar that's a demon summoning circle! It's almost done!" I said before going over and kicking the flower out of place and smacking the flower out of his hand grabbing a baggy off the floor and breaking it open

Bill stared at me in disbelief and shot up yelling "why would you do that!?" He yelled flamed shooting out the back off him his eyes growing angry

I stepped back and yelled "Because! Your trying to take gravity falls over again aren't you! Your gonna kill us!" I yelled

He looked down at me yelling "Why would you think that?!" He asked moving to grab my arm harshly. My heart was shattering

"because you already tried to!" I yelled. As he got more violent I shut my eyes and willed him away. I fell back on the ground and looked at the flour scattered around. My heart hurt and the markings on me stung. Tears threatened my eyes. I bit my lip and curled up, I don't know why I didn't think this would happen. How could I have fallen in love with him? How could I had fallen for such a terrible thing. This was all my fault. I curled up on myself and covered my head with my arms as it started to rain gasping for air, how could I let this happen. I knew it would and yet I ignored it

I took a breath and got up starting to run home whipping my eyes and crying a bit. When I got back I kicked off my shoes and headed into the living room soaked. I stopped everyone sitting at the table turning to stare at me. My eyes watered a bit and I whipped them asking "W...what's up...?" I asked quietly

Ford got up and said "the boarder around gravity falls is broken" He said getting up and walking over to me.

I looked up at him confused and asked "really? How did that happen?" I asked whipping my eyes again

"I don't know dipper how did that happen? The only people who knew about the border was our family and bill. So dipper how did that happen...? Did it have something to do with that question you asked awhile ago?" He asked standing tall over me

I shrunk a bit and mumbled "I...I don't know why...why?" I asked looking up at him

"Dipper show me your arm" He said sternly

I stepped away a bit and asked "why?" I asked tucking my arms behind my back a bit

He frowned and said "arm now dipper." He said sternly. I shook my head, I couldn't deal with two things in one day. Not today. He growled and in turn yelled in a stern and demanding tone "Dipper! Give me your fucking arm!" He yelled reaching his hand out. He tugged my arm out from behind my back and forced my sleeve up looking at the markings before he forced my other arm out and looked at those to. He tugged off my soaked flannel and threw it to the side forcing up my tank top and looking at bills circle on my back. His eyes flashed with anger and he yelled "Dipper! You summoned Bill!? You know how dangerous he is!" He yelled

I looked up at him terrified and saying "W..we had ruled!" I said quickly "I promise we did..did! I didn't know he had done that!" I said looking over to my sister and uncle for help but they both looked at me with pure disgust. I felt my chest and throat tighten up my sister looking away from me and down at her phone. I was alone now in my family. I was an outsider.

Everything after that was blurry, the next thing I knew Ford had packed all of my stuff, my lap top, phone, tablet clothing small trinkets almost all of my stuff. He tossed me out off the porch and into the rain tossing my bag at me. I put my arms up as it hit me and then looked at my gruncle. He looked at me in disgust and said "never come near me my family or this house. Ever again. Good bye dipper" He said sternly before he slammed the door shut and locked it. I started to cry and got up slowly starting to walk off. I walked for awhile before I got to Wendy's house.

I knocked on the door and whipped my eyes sniffing. When she came to the door and opened it she looked down at me and gave me the same look my family had given me, so she knew to. She looked at me her face shifting into sad and angry as she whispered "Don't ever speak to me again dipper." she said before shutting and locking her door. I hugged myself and started crying. I ended up turning up at that shitty motel and getting myself a room going into my room and laying down staring at the roof before I started sobbing. I no longer had anyone.

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