3rd Person POV:
Mina and Jiro immediately sent a message into the girl's group chat they have:
Girls Like Hot Tea:
Hey girls! Jiro and I have some tea for you
if you wanna find out what it is come to my dorm ASAPUwUaka: Okay, I'll be there, I have tea as well!
(The rest of the girls say they're gonna be there - that means the people there will be, Ashido, Jiro, Uraraka, Yaoyorozu, Asui, and Hagakure)
within 3 minutes all the girls were gathered in Mina's dorm, "so, who's ready to hear some piping hot tea?" Mina asks excitedly "actually can I say mine first?" Uraraka interrupts "sure queen!" "Well Todoroki came to me today for some advice, he also gave me permission to tell you guys for 'helping purposes' and you can't tell Deku anything I'm about to tell you, we need to watch Deku and figure out if he has a crush on Todoroki because Todoroki told me he has feelings for Deku!" All the girls squeal except Mina and Jiro, they just look at each other completely shocked "oh no" Jiro silences the rest of the girls with that "what? What's wrong?" Momo asks confused "umm, well Bakugo came to me today and told me he had a crush, he wouldn't tell me who though so my brilliant brain came up with the excuse I was about to invite the Bakusquad to hang out and he may as well stay, we then obviously started playing truth or dare and well I asked who his crush was and he said Deku" Mina says (in a way that could have definitely been shortened but wasn't purely because the author needs words) "oh no! What are we going to do?" The girls all look to Hagakure, or where they think the invisible girls face is and suddenly "*kero* I have an idea, it will involve you Hagakure" Tsu broke the slightly awkward silence "what is it Tsu?" Uraraka asks "well *kero*, if Hagakure sneaks into Midoriya's dorm she can look for his diary - which I just so happen to know he hides under his mattress - and see if he's written anything about crushes in there *kero*" "wow Tsu that's a great idea, how did you know he keeps a diary under his mattress?" Uraraka questions slightly concerned "I wouldn't worry about it Uraraka, it's probably noth-" Mina starts trying to forget the subject "Aoyama told me *kero*" Tsu interrupts (a/n sorry that I sometimes use first names and sometimes use last names it's probably confusing x.x) all the girls look at Tsu concerned "how does he know?" Jiro asks, Tsu thinks for a couple seconds "he didn't mention that *kero*" everyone is silent for a few seconds before Mina speaks "so that's it? We get Hagakure to spy and get our answer?" "I'm not sure spying is a good way to go about it, Midoriya's diary is his own personal business and we shouldn't snoop" Momo, the voice of reason, points out "if I'm the one who does it then he'll never know so it's fine" Hagakure points out "I mean... it's still probably not okay but Deku will understand" Uraraka says trying to distract Momo "I suppose so" Momo caves.
The girls chat for a while longer while Hagakure sneaks off to Izuku's dorm.

He Can Treat You Better
FanfictionThis story is based on something I saw a while ago (I don't remember where I saw it or who I saw it from) it is also based on the song Treat You Better but the way I think about it when I'm having self-doubt issues. BakuDeku? TodoDeku? TodoBakuDeku...