Asuna: The Second Storm (HF)

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It was like any other day, or so I had thought. I had spent my time out in the Hollow Area with Philia, like usual, and we explored some more areas we had yet to see as we often did. And then, just like any other day, after our little expedition, we then returned to the Administration Area, and whilst Philia looked through our inventory's worth of loot for treasure, I instead had a look through our spoils for foods of which to cook our dinner for tonight with.

Philia: "Oh score! We got a whole bunch of that rare ore we were looking for as mob drops by the look of it!"

Y/N: "Hmm? Ah, that's probably from that Sentinel-type boss we fought then, I'd imagine?"

Philia: "Yeah, I was thinking the same! He wasn't too tough either, we could go fight him again later for more ore. What d'you think...?"

Y/N: "Yeah, it wouldn't hurt. It's pretty high-end ore after all. And your dagger could probably do for an upgrade, right?"

Philia: "... You're doing it again."

Y/N: "Uh... Doing what, exactly...?"

Philia: "Only spending resources on me! Don't you need them too?!"

Y/N: "Well... I'm pretty alright at the moment and—"

Philia: "But you could be better equipped, right!"

Y/N: "Philia. I'd rather us both be quite strong than me overwhelmingly so and with you in sub-par gear..."

Philia: "Well... I mean... I guess that makes sense... but still! I want you to use this ore on something that isn't me, okay? We'll get me some ore for my equipment the next time we're in the area. 'Kay?"

Y/N: "... Fine."

Philia: "Haha! I knew I'd get through to you eventually! You may be stubborn as all hell, but—"

* DING! *

Philia: "Oh? You got a new message from the Aincrad lot? 100 Col says it's Silica!"

. . .

Y/N: "Huh... Fancy that. Well, it looks like you owe me 100 Col then it seems!"

Philia: "What? But I thought that was a totally safe bet!! Who was it then? Sinon, Lisbeth, Asuna... uh... Leafa?"

Y/N: "That's 500 Col now."

Philia: "H–Hey! I wasn't betting with those last ones!!'

Y/N: "Good thing too, you're lousy at betting!! Haha!"

Philia: "...Hmph! Well, who's it from then, hmm?"

Y/N: "Agil."

Philia: "Agil? He never sends you messages! No fair! I'd never have guessed that!"

Y/N: "You were the one that started the bet, of your own volition, might I add."

Philia: "Ehe... a–Anyways! What's Agil messaging you about?"

Y/N: "He said he'd appreciate if I came to the inn as soon as I can. Something has happened apparently...?"

Philia: "Oh? Then you gotta go! Don't worry about me, I'll be fine on my own!"

Y/N: "Are you sure...?"

Philia: "Absolutely! Sounds like they actually need you this time after all! But... think you could get Asuna to cook us a dinner for you to bring back once you're done?"

Y/N: "What are you saying about my cooking, hmm?!"

Philia: "N–Nothing! It's just... Asuna has a real kitchen and properly foraged materials whereas we have a campfire and mob drops..."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 25, 2022 ⏰

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