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"Dylan!" I screamed, grabbing some peoples attention. "Dylan!" I screamed again, running to his side. The ambulance attempted to stop me but I refused. With reluctancy, they allowed me to travel with him. I sat on the uncomfortable chair, sobbing uncontrollably as they began helping him. I wanted to hold his hand, tell him everything would be okay, but I wasn't allowed to get in the way, and I needed Dylan to be OK. My heart ached, my head spinning from crying so much. At the hopsital, I was forced to wait in the ugly, sickly gre nen waiting room. My head rested in my hands, but the tears had stopped falling. I felt like I'd cried away all my tears. Somehow, I managed to drift off, dreaming about Dylan being safe and healthy. I awoke to the sound of nurses trying to wake me up.

"Sir!" One shouted and I jolted to my feet.

"Dylan? Is he OK?" I asked impatiently, hyperventilating.

"Dylan is stable, but he'll be in here for a while. He hasn't awoke yet, though." The nurse said gently, "Would you like to visit him?" I'd already seen his room, so I made a run to it, opening the door and seeing Dylan laid there. My heart shattered, and I felt like I'd just seen him in the middle of the road all over again. I pulled up a chair beside him, breathing in and out.

"This is so cliche, huh? It's like all those movies, you know, where the guy admits his love to the guy in the coma? Then he wakes up and it turns out he heard everything?" I sighed at my stupid attempt of a joke, "I don't care. I just want you to be safe. I love you, Dylan. I love you so much it hurts. Every day, every night, it kills me that you don't and never will feel the same way. Jesus, this is so stupid. When you wake up... if you wake up... I promise you, I will save you everytime you need me to. I'll always protect you. But... But I can never tell you any of this. Jesus. I'm so sorry Dylan. For everything." A nurse interupted us, smiling weakly.

"Hello, I'm sorry to interupt. May I speak to you for a few minutes?" I nodded, standing up and waiting. "Firstly, we need to know if your immediate family of Dylan's?"

"I'm his boyfriend." I said without thought. She nodded, writing something down.

"Okay. Did you witness his accident?" I shook my head. "I feel like it is my duty to let you know, we suspect this was a suicide attempt." I fell to my knees, grasping a chunk of my hair and pulling at it. Turns out I hadn't cried all of my tears away.

"No! Your lying!' I screamed, "He wouldn't! He wouldn't leave me! Why are you lying?!"

"We're going to have to ask that you stay in the trauma unit for now. I know you probably want to be there when he wakes up, but it's vital that you don't distress our other patients. You need time to calm down." Angered, I walked away, out of the hospital, and to the only place I could think of. Grabbing some money from my wallet, I entered the liqour store.

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