6⚡(Pt. 2)

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Snyder turned around and...

Third Person POV

On the wall! - said the other policeman

They pushed snyder into the wall whilst he just grinned

He then punched the policemen and made them dizzy so they would fall.

He proceeded to go to the rooftop so he can escape.

Mr. Douglas found the policemen laying on the floor in front of the staircase so he figured snyder went upstairs

Alright! Freeze snyder! - Mr. Douglas said

Snyder turned around to look at Mr. Douglas

It's over! - Mr. Douglas continued

Snyder is just laughing evilly

Don't move a muscle! - Mr. Douglas yelled

I'd love to stay and chat, but i've gotta fly! - he said while raising his arms to the air (what are you? a bird?)

Mr. Douglas looked confused

Suddenly there was a helicopter moving into frame

Snyder just smirked knowing he can get away once again.

There are more ninja men in the helicopter and they started shooting where Mr. Douglas was standing luckily he got away just in time

The men put a rope ladder outside the helicopter and snyder climbed it and it started to fly away

Mr. Douglas tried to shoot snyder but he was too far for Mr. Douglas to aim at

(Imagine that Mr. Douglas hit Snyder and blood would be all over his blazer ohh he's wearing white too ugh I can't look)

Sam! - one of Mr. Douglas' co-workers said

Agent Green is ok! - he continued

(ahh so that's his name. Whatever I like Gustavo more)

And we got everything! We got guns! Remorters! (what's that? I'm not even sure if I heard that right) It's like a warehouse for World War III! We got it all! - he finished

We got nothing!! - Mr. Douglas yelled out of frustration

I want Snyder! He's everything!! I want him! - he said (it's true tho)

Chapter End~

Oh my gosh hi guys!!
I know I haven't updated in... FOREVER
but now I'm back and I'm gonna be finishing the plots for chapter 7 and 8
Are you excited? Because I am and also I have decided that I will not include the next scene which is Mr. Snyder's scene bc who likes to listen to old men fight? I don't! And I will now be skipping the adults scenes because we're supposed to focus on our material girl over here. Kidding. (not) so yeah and I thought of adding an extra scene for Ellianna and Samuel also comment their ship name if you have one so yeah really excited for that and that's all for now
Stay Safe my little cupcakes🧁


439 words~

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