Chapter 7- The Eager Beaver

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All of this time, I questioned myself, I never could wait
Looking for signs, not asking for help, I know it's too late
- Airplanes, 5 Seconds of Summer

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𝚄𝙿𝙾𝙽 their decision, the Pevensie siblings had began to trek towards Mr Tumnus' home. When he thought his first experience with Narnia was extraordinary, then this time wasn't able to be described. James had now twice been given the opportunity to wander through the most beautiful snow covered landscapes with his siblings. He'd never been more thankful. There was magic in the air, real magic, and the blonde was encapsulated by it.

There was so much they passed, and not enough time to take it all in. Flakes of crystallised water had fallen onto every surface in the most majestic way. A little way into their journey, they spotted a lamp post covered in frost. It looked like one of the gas-lit lampposts that they had back in London.


James still missed London. They'd been away for little over a week, and he thought it would be easy to forget. But even with the countryside luxuries, it wasn't home. It never could be.

Despite not knowing the way, it was Edmund who lead the group from the beginning. Through the snow covered trees they ambled as Lucy told them all she knew of the world. They were laughing and smiling at most comments, but not the youngest brother. No, as the trek lengthened, be dropped to the back of the group.

It was when the Pevensie children were distracted that James did his self-assigned brotherly duties. Peter had ran forwards and slipped, rolling down the hill with a mighty laugh. There was a vibrancy exuding him that James loved, however, he had to check on the youngest Pevensie. Edmund was often a worry.

"What's wrong?" Asked the blonde boy, firmly. If he wasn't firm, then his brother wouldn't respond.

The reply was blunt. "Nothing."

"Ed," James began, looking to the freckled boy as they walked. "What've you done?"

Another blunt reply. "Nothing."

"Who've you met?"

A third. "No one."

"Is someone threatening you?"

"No!" Edmund snapped. "No ones doing anything! I'm fine!"

"I'm just trying to help-" reasoned the elder.

"I don't need help."

James paused a moment. The conversation couldn't end that way- he had to say something, but Edmund was stubborn.

All of the Pevensie's were. It was a trait they all carried which had been inherited from their father. Thomas Pevensie knew how to stand his ground, and so, all five of his children did too.

"If you need me," James said, softly. "at all, just find me. Even if I can't do anything to help, I'll listen."

Edmund didn't reply to his brother. He simply nodded before following his other siblings again. James let out a sigh. Helplessness was becoming a common feeling around the dark haired brother, and not being able to do a thing was suffocating. Why couldn't Edmund trust him anymore?

When both boys had rejoined, Lucy once again began to speak of Mr Tumnus and everything they would do together. She was exited and rightfully so.

"We'll have lots and lots of lovely food." She beamed, tightening her brown fur coat. "And we'll have lots and lots of..."

She halted, so the rest of them did, and that's when James saw it. He saw what she did. A charming looking home in the side of a rocky-face which had been battered. The ornate oak door had caved in, smashed open. "Lou?" Peter asked, tentatively.

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