Ranking (Real Version)

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A/N:  So this was suppose to be a joke of a guide but I worked soo hard to make this. The rankings are inconsistent because every fandom/story has their own definition on what a certain title is or they have their own title that is unique to that certain fandom. There are common titles that can be found in- almost- all of the werewolf stories you can find but compiling this was very confusing and hard so I wanted to show off my work because I think I deserve it :) So here is my version of the pack ranking.

Rankings is a way for a pack to operate in an organized manner the same way a country would need a government body to operate and take charge.

~ Leaders ~

Alpha (male leader):
They are the leader of the pack and often than not, the title would be passed down through the family. Everyone in the pack regardless of position should answer to the Alpha. Please note that in stories that involve pure-bloods, they would- by default- be the Alpha.

Luna (female leader):
The female version of an Alpha, but the title is not passed down but earned by being the Alpha's mate.

Beta (Second in Command):
They are essentially the vice leaders of the pack. Although this position could be passed down through one family, this position could also be filled in by someone the Alpha picks. A Beta would often take over the Alpha position when the Alpha position is temporarily vacant (does not mean he is an Alpha).

Third in Command (Gamma):
This position is often in charge of the military force of the pack. To sum it up a Gamma is the military leader in charge of the pack warriors.

Delta (Fourth in Command):
They often act as the messengers/spokesperson of the pack and fill in other roles that are not occupied by other wolves in command.

~ Military force ~

Warriors (Eta or Epsilons):
Warriors are the military force of the pack. They keep watch at night and would handle external conflicts.

Sentinels (Guardians or Eta):
If Warriors handle external conflict, Sentinels take care of internal conflict. They ensure that the pack is safe by patrolling the territory and watching the movements of the surroundings. Their job mainly includes chasing out intruders, greeting visitors, and mediating any in-pack trouble such as brawls. 

Hunters (Lambda):
Another self explanatory position are the hunters. They specialize in the art of hunting and tracking their prey. They are entrusted with supplying food to the pack.

Scouts are the informants of the leaders. They are the information guild of the pack in which they keep in touch with the situation surrounding other wolf packs in the vicinity and inform the leaders of any incoming invasion.

The Assassin's job is to kill anyone the Alpha wants swiftly and discreetly.

~ Medical Force ~

Healer (Theta or Salutary Wolves):
This position is self-explanatory. They could be called salutary wolves which use herbs to heal injuries but if the story is set in modern society then the salutary wolf is a werewolf, modern day doctor. The salutary wolf/theta could be considered as the head of the pack medical team.

Nurse (Iota):
An iota is the assistant of the salutary wolf. There could be more than one doctor in a pack and Iota can either be a nurse or other medics that isn't the theta.

~ Age ~

Even though it might sound like this is a position belonging to old, wise people like Albus Dumbledore, this is simply what you call old wolves.

Pup's are the babies/younger wolves.

~ Others ~

Kappa's are normal werewolves that don't have a position in the community.

The omegas are the lowest rank in the pack other than a rouge, they are depicted as servants- sometimes as bad as slaves. Don't be surprised if they don't receive much respect if any at all. They are only placed in this position if they've done anything to disrespect the Alpha or if they're a new member.

Guardians (Eta or Pup Watchers):
Guardians are caretakers of the elders as well as pup babysitters. Pup watchers and guardians can be two separate positions but essentially, both titles care for the weak werewolves of the pack.

Rogues are generally wolves that don't belong in any pack for many reasons such as being exiled to leaving on their own free will.

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