8 | Dive In Distress

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Eve sits on the ground. Her knees to her chest and her arms wrapped around her legs. A force field bubble surrounds her, shimmering gold. The cause of her paranoia. But who could blame her, in the middle of nowhere and alone. She has every right to be paranoid since that day last week. Eve stares off from the cliff that overlooks Reefside. She appreciates the beautiful view. So much peace for a city that'll soon witness so much grief because of Fate. She certainly understands what that feels like.

Eve dips her head, her chin slots between her chest and her knees. They haven't told Dr. O yet, but Hayley told her there'll be time today. She's dreading it, but at the same time, she can't help but be relieved that he'll know. She knows for a fact he can keep her safe. Hell, she can keep herself safe, but... sometimes something happens to her and she just can't make herself run or move or keep herself safe. If she's able to tell Kira, Conner, Ethan, and Hayley than she'll be able to tell Dr. O. If anyone can help her, it's Dr. O.

Eve looks away from the city. She takes a deep breathe before standing. She steps away from the force field and walks away from the cliff.

She can do this. She can open up to her friends. They just want to protect her just like she wants to protect them. That's all that matters.


Eve catches the last of Kira's song as she walks in the café's doors. Dr. O looks over and smiles in greeting. Eve smiles back, albeit somewhat strained. Not only does Dr. O notice something is wrong, but Hayley notices the strain. Hayley's eyes visibly soften.

Eve stops by the "ranger" table and claps along with her friends and a few others.

"That was awesome. Is that something new?" Conner asks. Kira smiles, a faint blush spreads across her face at his compliment.

"Yeah, I'm still working on the hook, but I think there's something there." Kira explains, uncertain. The insecure expression she was wearing on stage makes another appearance. Eve frowns and bumps her shoulder against Kira's shoulder.

"Well, I think it was great." She says. Kira smiles brightly.

"Thanks, Eve."

"I'm telling you, if this superhero gig doesn't work out, you definitely have a musical career to fall back on." Ethan reassures her.

"It's kind of hard to have a musical career when you can't even get anyone to listen to you play." Kira grumbles. Conner looks at her as Trent walks over with her drink.

"We were listening." He offers in a soft tone. Nods are exchanged around the table.

"Yeah, I was listening too. I think you rock." Trent says. Kira looks at him with a smile. She glances down at his sketchbook.

"What are you working on?" Kira asks. Trent hides the sketch.

"Uh, nothing important. It's a sketch and not finished." Trent stutters, his face turns red and Eve thinks she saw a bit of blue on the paper. Kira nods with a small smile.

"Nobody appreciates good music anymore." Dr. O says as Hayley walks over. She place a smoothie in front of Eve. She smiles at Hayley, grateful for the little comfort. "All you hear on the radio is that pop garbage."

"Yeah, like what's her name?" Hayley questions, adding to the conversation. Eve takes a sip from the strawberry-banana smoothie.

"Kylie Styles?" Eve asks. Hayley nods to her.

"Kylie Styles." She repeats.

"Hey, Kylie Styles has some good music, Dr. O." Conner defends. Dr. O makes a face, leaning on the back Eve's chair. Eve giggles and grins up at him.

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