27 | To Leave Fear Behind

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He feels the same. Those are the words that keep repeating in Eve's mind. If she was stupid, she'd be so happy knowing there's a possibility of them because he feels the same. But she's not. She's not stupid - but if she was truly not stupid she wouldn't be feeling like her heart was being ripped from her chest - she knows they can't be because she's lying to him. She shouldn't have even let him crawl inside of her heart like that. No has before, why should someone now? How can she even be... with him if she's not completely truthful about who she is?

She could tell him. The thought interrupts everything else and causes Eve to pause in her aimless walking in the woods.

That's ridiculous. Why would she tell him when it could ruin her chance in being with him? He could hate her for lying to him about who she is. But who's she kidding? Tommy Oliver would never hate someone for who they're related to. He'd probably be sad she couldn't trust him enough to tell him. He'd be wrong, of course. Eve trusts him more than anyone. But the point still stands. Does she tell him or does she keep the stupid secret to herself, ruining her chance to be with him?

"Look who it is" Elsa's voice is like nails on a chalkboard as it interrupts Eve's thoughts. Most grating voice on Earth. Eve rolls her eyes and doesn't bother to turn to the woman.

"Not now, Elsa. I'm busy" she says before continuing on her walk. Elsa scoffs and follows her.

"Busy sulking in the woods? Oh, how the mighty has fallen" she sarcastically sneers at Eve's back. Eve doesn't respond.

"Don't ignore me, Evelyn" Elsa glares at the non responsive back, her voice full of scorn. She stops following Eve. "Like I said earlier, 'Mesogog will see to it'"

Eve freezes in her forced casual stroll, a pool of dread settling in the pit of her stomach. She suddenly has the feeling shouldn't have gone out here. She rolls her shoulders to release the tension and ignores the feeling. She's a big girl. She doesn't need to be scared of some dinosaur freak and his boot licker.

"Tell your master to fuck off. I don't care what he will 'see to'" she snarls. Elsa's eyes narrow and Eve can feel her eyes burning holes into the back of her head. Her heart stops when Elsa darts forward and grabs onto her person. Eve whips around at Elsa with a glare.

"Tell him yourself" Elsa says before she pulls them into an invisi-portal. Going through an invisi-portal while not morphed and without the speed of the cycle is very uncomfortable. Especially since she doesn't want to go through so she's fighting it. But there's nothing she can do about it when she's already in Mesogog's Fortress. And as unwanted as he is, Mesogog stands in front of her.

"Miss Repulsa" he hisses in his breathy voice as he leans into her personal space, his disgusting smelling breath in her face. Eve cringes back and turns her head away from him.

"Leave us, Elsa" he orders the other woman without taking his eyes off of Eve. Elsa takes a reluctant second to nod before she turns sharply and leaves the lab room. He begins to circle Eve.

"I am pleased to see you have decided to..." he trails off, pausing behind Eve and leaning towards her ear. "Grace me with your presence here"

Eve twitches at how close he is. She wants nothing more to push him away, but he starts to walk around her again before she can try.

"What a sight you make" he comments lightly. Eve's spine straightens at the words as she pushes down the nausea. It doesn't help when Mesogog trails an ugly claw across her shoulder, up her neck, and over her cheek. Anger pulses through Eve at the fact Mesogog thinks he can touch her, that he thinks he can make her fear him. Master Vile is her grandfather for fuck's sake. She was forced to live with him for thousands of years. Who's scarier than him?

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