33 | Isn't It Lava-ly

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Eve glances over to the closed door of the classroom, knowing no one will be entering for the next 10 minutes. She makes sure the window is covered before she leans up on the tip of her toes to hover her lips over Tommy's. Tommy exhales harshly. He grabs her hips, not pushing her away or pulling her closer. Instead, he uses it to ground him in the moment and not be sucked into Eve's delectable ways.

"We really shouldn't be doing this here, princess" His rough voice, full of want, and that nickname said in that tone sends shivers down Eve's spine. The corner of her lips curl up.

"No, we shouldn't be" She says. She steps closer, negating the purpose of Tommy's tight grasp on her hips, and leans up to brush her lips against Tommy's. "But that's the thrill of it"

Tommy closes the space between them, giving in to his carnal urges. He can barely control himself when it comes to Eve. Their lips slot together which spurs Eve to part her lips. Tommy follows and slides his tongue into her mouth. One of Eve's hands grip the back of his head and the other fist his shirt as she pulls him closer. Tommy's arms wrap around her waist. He takes a bit of the strain of standing on the tip of her toes by holding her up to his lips.

"Oh!" They were obviously so caught up in the kiss that they didn't notice the door opening. Eve and Tommy pulls away frantically. Eve falls back onto the balls of her feet, her hands fall away from Tommy, and she runs her hand through her hair as she turns to the intruder. Tommy's arms unwrap from Eve's waist as she pulls away. He straightens his shirt and licks his lips to rid the evidence of Eve's chapstick. He turns to Devin who entered the room unknowingly.

Devin stands rooted to his spot by the hurriedly closed door. He stares at his classmate and his teacher, his eyes wide.

"What- what? What?" He stutters, very confused and very embarrassed.

"Devin," Eve starts, trying to carefully get his attention so he doesn't run. Devin's eyes stop darting between the very guilty couple and focus on Eve instead.

"I'm really, really sorry you had to walk in on this, but please don't tell anyone" She calmly pleads. Devin hesitantly nods.

"O- okay. Uhm, I- I know Dr. Oliver's really nice guy, but this- this isn't like something bad, right? You're... okay?" He asks, looking at Tommy in the corner of his eye. Eve quickly nods her head, glancing over at Tommy who stares in front of him silently. She grabs onto Tommy's arm.

"Yeah, of course" Eve insists quickly, pulling Tommy closer to her as if to shield him from Devin's eyes.

"There's no coercion or forcing. This isn't for grades either. We're together. Dating, Devin. Please, you really can't tell anyone" Eve pleads. Devin nods.

"I won't tell anyone, Eve. Even Cass. I don't exactly understand what's going on, but uh- I trust you. Both of you. Sorry for asking that, Dr. Oliver" Devin says. Tommy shakes his head, brushing off Devin's apology. If anyone needs to apologize it's him.

"Pretty understandable reaction for the situation, Devin" Tommy replies, but still not looking at Devin for how embarrassed he is. Eve smiles, gratefully.

"Thank you, Devin. So much. I'll- I'll get you free smoothies at the Cybercafé for the rest of the month!" Eve explains. Devin perks up.

"Deal!" He grins, hurrying past to forbidden couple to get to his seat. She can only think about how grateful she is that it was Devin that walked in on her and Tommy, not another student she can't easily bribe with smoothies.

Eve turns to Tommy, kissing his cheek comfortably.

"I'm never going to be able to look him in eyes again" he mumbles quietly.

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