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There was nothing else to discuss on the meeting. Everything has been discussed with Jaebeom earlier. Elle thanked him a lot because the virtual meeting was pretty short since she has known every details already. She had told Ji-hoon that tomorrow, aside from grandma next door, another nanny would come and keep him accompany until she arrived back home. She has replenished the food stock for the cafe as well, so aside from cooking ramen and toast, the part timer wouldn't have to do anything else. She was a bit worried about tomorrow, considering that she had never involved in any music video filming, but the members were kind enough to tell her to not worry too much. They have known each other, so it would easy for her to act around them. 

The next morning, she had to wake up earlier to prepare Ji-hoon and dropped him to granny next door as she had to go earlier than Ji-hoon school's time. She has contacted his class teacher and told her that Ji-hoon would go by school bus so later granny would drop him at the school bus's pickup area. She went to the cafe and waited to be picked up. She was surprised to see Jaebeom was inside the car as well. She thought it would be just the manager. 

"I thought it would be just your manager," she said. 

"Like I would let him ride alone with you," he mumbled in low voice. "Just hop in, I'll show you your wardrobe for today and let me know if you feel uncomfortable with any of that. Maybe we can change it at last minute," he told her and started to grab the tablet from his manager to show her the pictures. Most clothings were okay, until the one for Yugyeom's. Since the shooting would be about dancing, she had to wear this short dress with frills around the hem that would swirl around when she turned around. It would look good on camera, but she was unsure whether she would look okay in it. After all, she was not a professional model and it was a common knowledge that camera would add another kilo to her weight, so she might look ridiculous on camera. When she uttered her insecurity to Jaebeom, he told her to just wait until she tried the dress on set before making her decision. She agreed. However, there was another problem. The shoes. Since she was average in height, she had to at least used 7 cm heels. Especially with Yugyeom, she might need 9 cm heels to which she scratched her head. 

"I might fall if I had to twirl and swirl while using 9 cm heels," she commented and he laughed at her remarks.

"Well, you can start practicing once you're on the set," he chuckled. "I'll ask the staff to put cushion around you, in case you fall down," he teased her and she shoved his shoulder playfully. The set wasn't that far and everyone else were there already when they arrived on the set. They started to head to the prep room so the stylist and makeup artist could do their magic on her. The first scene to shoot would be Youngjae's.

They would shoot from her back but she had to change clothes numerous times since the story was the secret admirer has been watching Youngjae's playing the piano for quite some times. So she didn't put on full makeup for the first scene but had to change the hairstyle for several times. They added the makeup every time she had to change her clothes to save time. So by the time they had to shoot her playing piano with Youngjae, her makeup was done already. She was standing beside the piano and then Youngjae stopped playing, started walking toward her and grabbed her hands, sat her down beside him and they started to play piano together. They managed to get the shoot in a single take without any mistake, so both of them were glad they finished the first scene quickly.  

"Ahhh.. noonaaa... thank you so much. It was so much easier shooting with you," absentmindedly, Youngjae hugged her to express his gratitude. She was stunned, though she knew he didn't mean anything by it. Another beat passed before Youngjae realized that there were many eyes looking at them, so he immediately let her go. "Oh no, I made you uncomfortable, didn't I?" he apologized but then she said no before being ushered back to the prep room.

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