Chapter 3- Sky Battle (Ava)

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Chapter 3(Ava)

“Kingsley!” Hermione shouted in panic as she raised her wand, beginning to fire spells in all directions as quickly as she could.

As Kingsley turned the Thestral away from the Death Eaters and the speed increased, I turned and stunned one of the Death Eaters that was pursuing us.

There were flashes of light everywhere, coming from different wands. It was hard to make out the difference between the Death Eaters and the Order, but as we got further away from everyone else it became clearer. I could count five hooded figures following us, having separated from the chaos behind them.

Kingsley shouted, “Get rid of them as quickly as you can! They can’t follow us for much longer!”

Stupefy!” I shouted, knocking one of them off of their broomstick. I heard another shout from nearby and ducked to avoid the green jet of light that came propelling towards me.

Curses were flying all over the place and Kingsley had to keep turning the Thestral in different directions to avoid them as well as he could.

As I turned to cast another spell, one of the Death Eaters made eye contact with me and slowed for a moment before calling out, “It’s the Potter girl as well!”

Kingsley turned around to look at me, his eyes widening. We were even more of a target now because of me. I froze for a moment, unsure of what to do. A couple more Death Eaters seemed to appear out of the dark sky and began to pursue us.

Impedimenta!” I called out, coming back to my senses and causing a Death Eater to slow down enough for Hermione to stun them.

As I watched the Death Eater fall, I didn’t hear another one shout out a spell. I only registered it as it hit Hermione’s back, causing her to lose her balance.

“Hermione!” I shouted in panic as she fell from the Thestral’s back. I reached out just in time to grab onto her arm.

She was now suspended over lit-up streets of the town below us, and I could feel her arm slipping out of my hand.

“Kingsley!” I shouted, catching his attention. The moment he saw Hermione hanging over the edge of the Thestral, he abandoned the reins and turned around to help me.

Just as he reached out to give me a hand, a Death Eater approached from behind, their wand held out in front of them.

Frantically, I raised my wand and shouted out a spell, knocking the Death Eater back. In doing so, my grip on Hermione’s arm loosened, and she began to slip further down. She screamed in panic and I shouted, “Hang on as tightly as you can!”

Trying to contain another scream, Hermione simply nodded. I quickly checked behind me for any Death Eaters before putting my wand in between my teeth, leaving my other hand free. I heard Kingsley shouting another spell at a Death Eater nearby as I leant down.

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