Chapter 16- Numb (Ava)

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Chapter 16 (Ava)

I glanced behind me just before Draco slammed the door of the secret passage shut, but Fred was already gone.

"Come on," Draco muttered, grabbing onto my hand as he walked up towards the house again.

A part of me longed to run back out of the passage and Apparate to Muriel's house- to escape the hell that I was living- but I didn't want to risk getting Draco into trouble, or to make Fred a wanted runaway along with me.

I could hear lots of shouting in the house- Bellatrix's screams were the loudest above everybody else's. They sent a chill down my spine, and I hesitated for a moment.

"Ava-" Draco had noticed my hesitation, "We have to be quick, before they send out a search party."

I nodded quickly, "Sorry. Sorry."

It seemed oddly ironic that we were so desperate to run into the danger.

The hidden bookshelf was up ahead, and as we reached it Draco changed his grip on me. It was no longer gentle but harsh.

"I'm sorry for this," He whispered before he threw the bookshelf aside and yanked my arm.

"I've got her!" Draco shouted across the house, "I managed to catch Potter!"

I struggled, trying to pull away in a manner that hopefully looked realistic.

Several Death Eaters came sprinting into the corridor and tackled me to the ground, pinning my arms to the floor so that I couldn't attempt to escape. I heard a cackle nearby, and recognised Bellatrix's laugh.

"Did you think it would be that easy, Potter? What did you do? Pay off a Death Eater to trick us all?"

I glared at her silently, refusing to speak.

"Where's the Weasel?" She hissed at Draco, turning to face him.

"I couldn't catch him in time- he was too fast." Draco muttered, "Luckily, Potter tripped on her way down."

Bellatrix sighed irritably, "He doesn't matter- we don't need a Weasel who refuses to speak."

I closed my eyes with relief- the plan had worked. Allowing Fred to leave on his own had ensured that the Death Eaters wouldn't go after him.

"Potter, you're going back in the cell," Bellatrix snapped, "You clearly felt that you had a lot of freedom in that bedroom that we provided for you. Well, now you'll remember your place."

The Death Eaters holding me pulled me up harshly, and I winced at the pain.

"I can walk myself," I muttered, but the Death Eaters only tightened their grips on me as they dragged me across the room towards the cell.

I glanced at Draco as I was pulled past him, but he was staring at the floor with an emotionless expression. Bellatrix was standing behind him, and she seemed to catch my eye. I dropped my gaze quickly to the floor just before the door to the cell was thrown open and the Death Eaters pushed me in.

"Teach her a lesson," I heard Bellatrix hiss to someone before she stormed away, shouting Wormtail's name.

The two Death Eaters turned to face me properly, both grinning as they pulled their wands out.

"I think it's time you got what you deserved, Potter," One of them stepped forwards slowly, "You've been a real pain to keep as a prisoner, do you know that?"

I tried to shift backwards, but realised after a moment that my back was already against the wall. I raised my head, "Well, it hasn't been the most pleasant of stays. And you're supposed to make complaints when you have issues with your hosts."

One of them leapt forwards, holding his wand against my neck, "Have some respect, little girl. Otherwise we can make these spells ten times worse."

I gulped, keeping my gaze steady, "Do your worst."

* * *

Everything hurt.

Everything hurt so much, I was starting to feel numb. But I could still feel the tears on my cheeks, and the rawness of my throat from the screaming.

I had been lying on the floor for hours after the Death Eaters had left, and everything still hurt.

Distantly, I heard the sound of a door opening. I wondered if it was the Death Eaters, coming back to finish me off.

Let them, I thought.

"Oh my god. Ava."

I blinked slowly, glancing up at the figure above me. Was I dreaming? Or had someone really come?

"Ava, can you hear me?"

I groaned quietly, and suddenly there was a pair of hands on me, helping to pull me up into a sitting position against the wall.

My eyes came into focus, and I saw Draco's pale face looming above me.

"What did they do to you?"

I coughed to clear my throat, "I... I don't know. A spell I've never heard of before."

Draco lit his wand, and I could see that his eyes were shining with tears. Slowly, I reached a hand out and brushed his cheek gently.

"Why are you upset?" I whispered.

He raised his hand and held it against my own, closing his eyes for a moment before he placed my hand back on my lap.

"It's my fault that you were tortured. I should have let you leave with Fred-"

"No," My voice was sharp, "I didn't want to leave with Fred because I didn't want you to get into trouble, and I also knew that if he went alone they would be less likely to send out a search party for him. I was right."

Draco's shoulders slumped, and he didn't say anything as he began to run his wand against open wounds on my body, healing them quickly.

"Why did you do it?" I asked after a moment, "Why did you save him?"

Draco's movements froze, and he glanced up at me, "Because I love you. And you love him. All the Weasleys are too stubborn for their own good- Bellatrix would have killed him eventually, and I knew how much that would pain you."

I stared at him in surprise. Draco always had the potential to shock me, to do something that I had never expected of him. He always seemed to be developing into a newer, better person.

But I had to remind myself that the better version of himself never lasted.

"Drink this potion for the pain," He passed me a small phial.

"You should be a healer," I smiled, "You know exactly how to deal with injuries. The only quality you lack is a warming personality."

Draco chuckled lightly, "Your personality isn't always too warming either."

"Only when I'm around you," I smirked.

He slowed down, raising his head to meet my eyes. "I want to kiss you," He whispered softly.

My breath hitched in my throat, and I gulped, "Draco... I can't keep hurting your feelings like this. I can't keep leading you-"

"One last kiss," Draco smiled, "For me."

I shook my head, trying to conceal the smile on my face. The temptation was too much. Simply too much. I had to give in.

"This is for the both of us," I muttered as I leant towards Draco, pressing my lips against his.

He kissed me back, parting his lips slightly as he looped his arms around me. My hand brushed the back of his neck, and I felt him shiver. He whispered my name softly against my lips as I brushed a loose strand of hair out of his face.

He pulled away breathlessly, stroking my hair for a second before he allowed his hand to drop. He shook his head quickly and picked up the empty phial bottle from the floor. He left the cell wordlessly, and I watched him in silence, my fingers brushing my lips absentmindedly.

Distantly, I longed for that kiss to not be the last.

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