Chapter 9- Imprisoned (Ava)

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Hey guys! Sorry again for the wait, but as well as A levels I have become super obsessed with a TV show on Netflix called Reign. Unfortunately my Netflix subscription got cancelled so now I have way too much free time and I thought maybe you guys deserved an update! Sorry again for the short length but I cared more about the impact of the chapter than the length.

I hope you all enjoy it! :)

Chapter 9 (Ava)

I woke up in a crumpled heap on the cold floor in a dark room with a faint ray of light coming from nearby. I shook my head, scrambling up and looking around.

I was in a small room, around five metres by five metres. The floor was cold and damp, the walls made of crumbling bricks. When I turned around, I finally noticed the metal bars across the front of the room.

It wasn't a room at all. I was trapped in a cell. I was being imprisoned.

I ran towards the bars, wrapping my hands around them and trying to look out to see if anyone was there.

"Hello?" I called, my voice cracking, "Is anybody there?"

I waited, but there was no answer- none at all. After a moment, I slumped against the bars of the cell, closing my eyes.

Had everyone else managed to get away safely? Was I the only one here, or had anyone else been captured as well?

I felt slightly light headed, and I reached out to touch the back of my head. When I held my hand out in front of me, there was just enough light for me to see the dark liquid on my fingers. I barely had time to register it before my eyes slid shut and I fell unconscious.

When I woke up again, it was not to an empty and silent cell. Instead, the bars of the cell had been opened, and I had awoken just as someone kicked me backwards. I fell against the floor with a groan, sitting up slowly and trying to focus on who the person at the door was.

I didn't need to see their face though- the moment I heard the manic cackle, I knew exactly who it was.

"It's been a while, hasn't it, Ava deary? We've missed you so much we wanted you back with us."

I gulped, trying to keep my voice steady, "Bellatrix. I must say, I hoped not to see you so soon. I thought perhaps you'd leave me alone for a while."

I saw a flash of teeth as Bellatrix grinned down at me, stroking her wand carefully, "You didn't get to be so lucky, I'm afraid. The moment I saw you at the blood traitor's wedding, I couldn't resist getting my hands on you. I know Fenrir would certainly be pleased."

My breath hitched in my throat at the mention of Fenrir Greyback, and my mouth was suddenly too dry- I couldn't speak.

Bellatrix took a step closer, crouching down so that she was level with me, "Why are you afraid deary? We could so easily fight for the same side- you know that, don't you? Of course you know that. You've been very close to fighting with us before."

"I would rather die," I spat out, grimacing when Bellatrix let out a high-pitched cackle.

"We'll see if you say the same thing in a couple of weeks, shall we? The desperation might just get to you. That among other things...."

She laughed again, straightening up quickly and spinning on her heel.

"If you're good, you might get some food in a couple of hours."

I hissed, "I don't want any food from you."

The door of the cell slammed shut behind her, and Bellatrix waved over her shoulder, "Well you might just have to eat it."

And then she was gone, leaving me shivering and alone in the cell and wondering how I was ever going to get out of this prison.

* * *

I couldn't tell how long I had been in the cell when I woke up to the sounds of screams above.

I hadn't eaten for a long time, and I felt devoid of energy. I was struggling to keep my eyes open, but the wails from somewhere above me caused me to sit up straight.

I heard a shout, followed by louder screams. Somebody was being tortured. I scrambled forwards towards the bars of the cell, trying to hear the voice of the torturer. A cackle echoed down the stairs, and I closed my eyes. Of course it was Bellatrix. Who else would it be?

I wondered if it was a member of the Order that was being tortured, but the screams were so high-pitched it was difficult to tell. Also, I was too woozy to consider it properly.

I wanted to sleep more than anything, but the shouts were too loud, creating images in my head even when my eyes were closed.

My head was pounding and I felt as if I was going to throw up anything that was left in my stomach. How were the Death Eaters so heartless?

And then the screaming stopped, as abruptly as it had started. My blood ran cold. The poor, innocent soul upstairs had been killed by Bellatrix. I didn't want to consider who it could have been- I was too terrified to think it as anyone I knew or loved.

It must have been an hour later when I heard the door to the dungeons open and a small beam of light shone in from the house upstairs. I heard Bellatrix's voice again, followed by a calmer, cooler tone that I faintly recognised.

I pulled back from the bars of the cell and leant against the back wall, trying to look as if I hadn't been listening to anything. The pure effort of moving a few feet caused my head to throb and I squeezed my eyes shut, trying to stop the overwhelming sensation to vomit.

Over the roaring in my ears, I heard a rattle of a key in the lock of the cell. Someone was coming in.

There was a clatter, and something skidded towards me. I felt cold china press against my leg, and opened my eyes just enough to see a small white plate with a bread roll and an apple. I stared at it in silence for a moment. I longed to eat the bread roll in one mouthful, but how could I know if it had been poisoned or not?

"It isn't poisoned." The cool voice sounded from the door of the cell. I gulped, not glancing up.

"How can I trust that you're telling the truth?" I hissed quietly, and I heard a familiar chuckle.

"Ah," the voice sounded, "Still just as stubborn as you used to be, even when you're starving."

My hand tightened around the edge of the plate, although I wasn't entirely sure why. I recognised the voice, but my mind was so foggy I found it difficult to place. It was certainly a rather sharp voice with very little sympathy, and I distantly wondered how I had ever managed to come across this person in the past.

"Ava," The voice was quieter now, and much softer, "You need to eat."

Something clicked in my mind suddenly, and I felt my vision clear for a moment as I glanced up at the figure standing in the light. He looked the same as when I had last seen him.

His light blonde hair was still combed back with the same side parting and his dark grey eyes did not betray a sign of emotion. The only difference in him was the broadening of his shoulders and the sharpness of his jawline that had never been there before.

"Draco," I choked his name out, unable to move. I felt frozen in place, and he seemed to be frozen too.

A rush of memories of all that he'd done to me filled my mind, reminding me of my experiences last year. Before I knew what I was doing I had lunged forwards, knocking the plate of food onto the floor as my fist collided with his nose. He uttered a startled shout as he fell backwards.

The sound of the commotion caused several Death Eaters that I hadn't seen before to rush down the stairs and pull him away, quickly locking my cell door with a flick of their wands.

I fell back to the cold floor with a thud, watching the Death Eaters drag Draco up the stairs, his nose bloody.

I couldn't help but notice as my eyes slid shut from exhaustion that Draco's eyes were still focused on me, wide with hurt and another emotion that I couldn't quite place.

And then the cell fell into darkness once more.

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