Chapter 21- Decisions (Ava)

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Would you look at that? Another few months between updates- I'm very sorry! (Although to be fair I have been away on holiday for a while so wasn't able to write). Has anyone read Harry Potter and The Cursed Child yet? I did, and I have some very mixed emotions about it. But on the whole I enjoyed reading it! I'm hoping to update more regularly for the next few chapters as I have a lot of time to work on this fanfiction! I hope you enjoy the chapter! :)

Chapter 21 (Ava)

The kitchen was quiet as Fred and I washed up the plates from dinner.

The meal had been an awkward affair, with Mr. Weasley asking the twins about their mission for the Order while Mrs. Weasley told them to stop talking about it. She hated hearing about any of her children in danger, and I knew that she worried about Fred and George a lot because of their reckless behaviour.

I had offered to wash the dishes, ignoring Mrs. Weasley's relentless protesting. It had been Aunt Muriel who had told her to stop and go and sit in another room before muttering to me that the plates ought to be spotless.

Fred, of course, had offered to join me. And now the two of us were standing side by side, washing the dishes and attempting to ignore the pull between us. Every time my arm brushed his, a shiver ran down my spine. Every time he glanced at me, my cheeks flushed red.

It was only as the final plate was placed on the draining board that I felt his strong arms wrap around my torso and lift me up in the air. I squealed in surprise and began to laugh as he lost his grip slightly.

I brought my lips down upon his with a smile, looping my arms around his neck and tightening my legs around his waist.

"I thought about you all day," He murmured, "I just wanted to come back to you."

"I wanted you to be here," I whispered, "So much. Do you have to go on missions every day?"

Fred paused, leaning back slightly, "I'm afraid I do. Remus likes to keep me and George busy. There's a lot around here that needs doing, whether it's protecting innocent muggles, witches and wizards or locating and fighting Death Eaters, it has to be done."

"This war really keeps us busy, doesn't it?" I sighed, stroking his freckled cheek gently, "Far too busy for my liking."

Fred kissed my neck softly, and I murmured, "We can't stay in the kitchen. I can't imagine what would happen if your mother walked in. Or even worse- Muriel."

He chuckled in agreement, slowly letting me down on the floor and grabbing onto my hand, "Upstairs, then?"

The two of us moved wordlessly through the house, darting past the open living room door where light was pouring out from. I could hear the murmurs of Mr and Mrs. Weasley and Ginny and George playing a game of Exploding Snap to pass the time. I was thankful that those two were busy, because I knew that they wouldn't be able to resist waggling their eyebrows childishly or muttering something under their breaths at the sight of us sneaking away.

As we slipped into my room and pulled the door shut, Fred's hands wrapped around my waist and he lifted me up once again, leaning me against the wall. I rested my hand on his shoulder, studying his face silently before leaning forwards and kissing his forehead gently.

"Thank you," Fred suddenly whispered, and I leant back in puzzlement.

"What for?"

His calloused fingers ran over my cheek gently, "For making me the person I am today. For keeping me sane."

I swallowed, searching his eyes briefly before kissing him firmly, "Fred Gideon Weasley. I'd be lost without you, too."

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