twenty three

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"What does your caption even mean?" The blonde boy asked. His head lay on his friends shoulder as they lay out in a field. It was after lunch and she wanted to give him a tour, getting stuck in the field because they wanted to watch the clouds.

"Oh, it's from a book. It was my mom's favorite actually. Anne of Green Gables. She read it to me while she was pregnant with Max. She says she named me after Anne sort of, Annabelle-"

"Your name's Annabelle?" The boy sat up, surprised by this new information.

"Yeah," she chuckled, "I told you only my mom called me by my real name, she called me Anne. Anne in the book has red hair and she's very stubborn and loves adventure so I guess we're kind of similar." He hummed, waiting for her to continue. Her voice soothes him in a way he never realized, especially in person. "I guess I've never wanted anyone to call me Anne or Anna, Annabelle, Belle or anything like that because it would seem too close to my mom and- and no one can really compare to her."

"I wish I could've met her."

"She would've liked you, you're funny and outgoing, adventurous and kind. She would probably want us to get married." The words came out of her mouth without thinking. Her cheeks turned red as she cleared her throat, glad he was watching the sky and not her.

"Oo! That one looks like a duck." Tommy changed the subject as he pointed to the sky.


"So how long are you staying?" This time her head was on his shoulder as Nemo played, Max's choice.

"Oh uh, a month."

"A month?" She sat up to make sure he wasn't lying.

"Yup, maybe by the time I leave I'll be a farm boy." He teased, making her smile as she rolled her eyes.

"We're gonna have so much fun." She wrapped her arms around his middle and hugged him tight. She'd never get tired of hugging him.

Tommy gasped suddenly. They had finished Nemo and Max was in bed so they were just scrolling through there phones, showing each other funny tiktoks. "We should FaceTime Tubbo!"

Rose immediately pulled out her phone and called the boy, it was late but she knew he was up still.



"Bee boy!" Tommy grabbed the phone from her and Tubbo gasped.

"Boss man?! You're with Rose?"

"Yup, that was my birthday present." She rested her head on his shoulder to be in the frame.

"That's so sick! I guess you don't want to hang tomorrow huh."

"Yeah sorry Tubs, can't." Tommy shrugged getting a laugh. They chatted with him some more before he said he was tired and wanted to sleep. They decided to put on The Office since they'd both seen it all already so they could continue to talk through it. Soon enough they had fallen asleep on each other, both exhausted from the long day.

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