fifty six

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Rose glanced around looking for Tommy. Tubbo's house was filled with loud music and people. Tubbo had decided that he wanted to have a party for New Years, so he invited everyone he knew and a few more. The only people Rose knew besides Tommy and Tubbo were Wilbur, Jack, Niki and George. Finding Wilbur yelling loudly at a plant she tapped his shoulder.

"Ah! Rose! How are you on this fine evening." He yelled over the music

"I'm good, have you seen Tommy?" She yelled back.

"I have seen him! He's pretty handsome tonight ammi right?" He teased nudging her shoulder and falling into her due to his drunkenness.

"Have you seen him recently?" He asked pushing him to stand upright, "I'm trying to find him." The brunette motioned in all directions slumping down the wall. She sighed and continued looking for him.

Entering the kitchen she found a group, eyes catching her favorite blonde fluff of hair bopping around as he laughed. Sighing in relief she made her way towards them. When he noticed her making her way towards him he began to simply glow.

"Hey." He said as she hugged his side.

"Hi, I was looking for you."

"I w-"

"Awww Tommy and Rose are so cute." Jack teased making the couple roll their eyes and pull away slightly. Tommy kept his arm around her shoulder.

"At least they're not wondering who they're going to kiss at midnight." George joked along.

"Well sorry your boyfriend wouldn't come all the way from Florida here to kiss you gogy." Tommy threw back making Rose smile.

"Hes not- he has things-"

"Just saying, if he wanted to he would!" Rose cut George off making Tommy and Jack laugh.

"Good one Rosie." Tommy praised, making the girl blush.

The conversation changed and they were so into it that they were a bit surprised when people started counting down from ten. Rose turned to Tommy a grin on her face.

"Are we about to kiss right now?" Tommy joked, Rose threw her head back laughing.

"I hope so." She laughed as she wrapped her arms around his middle. Brushing a piece of hair behind her ear, the party was yelling 'THREE'

"I love you."


"I love you back."


"Happy new year." They said in unison as they grinned, leaned in, and connected lips

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