Chapter Two: Night 1

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Chapter Warnings
Sex Trafficking
Medication Abuse
Sexual Assault/ Rape
Brief Mentions of Abuse

(If there is anything else I should ever add to the Chapter Warnings, please let me know!)

    I'm crouched on a fire escape, staring down at a man with stegosaurus scales on his back and arms. He's the bodyguard for the drug dealer and their client in the tent behind him.

    From what I've gathered, they worked with a doctor to create a highly addictive medicine, and the drug dealers are the only one who can produce and sell it. The doctor only prescribes the "medication" to young females. When they run out of money, the drug dealer has them sell themselves to him, and they get dragged into the sex trade.

    There's a young, foreign, brown haired lady in the tent, looking about in her early teens. Nowhere near old enough to know better. Not old enough to realize that you can't trust anything in this world.

    They've been in there a long time. I'm getting worried.

    I check my tablet, which has the views from cameras I set up at every possible entrance and exit. It cost a fortune, but it has saved my life so many times now that it's worth it.

    All the cameras look fine, but right before I look back to the Walking Dino Nugget, I see him walking through one of my cameras views on my tablet.

    "SHIT!" I whisper yell, flinging myself out of the fire escape I was perched in, and chased after Stego Lego Legs.

    I kept looking down at my tablet to keep track of him, but he's moving fast. I speed up more, and I skid around a corner to come face to face with him.

    Well. Face to back.

    I grabbed two of my daggers and threw them at the back of Stego's head. I looked away, getting flashbacks to a different time, but I had to look back when the noise I heard was inaccurate.

    It wasn't the sound of a dagger cutting through flesh, skull , and brain. It was the sound of a falling dagger. I never miss.

    I glance up in shock to see scales flying at me like blades. I jump into a front flip, the two scales flying under me. I land silently, then throw my smokescreen down.

    I'm sneaking up behind the bodyguard, this time with my tazer. Imma pass this bitch out.

    Or so I thought.

    I looked down to see a knife sticking into my side.



    Another scale was flying towards me, so I extend my bo staff and knock the scale away like a baseball with a bat.

    I noticed that Godzilla was regrowing his scales, and it looks like he can do it in just a few seconds.

    I make the stupid decision to yank out the dagger in my side and throw it at him. This time the sound being accurate, with a thump of a dead body following the beginnings of a shriek.

    I hobble over to the knife, and collapse down into a sitting position. I grab my med-pack and the flint and steel in it. I grab the little pouch of kindle and set it abaze.

    I yank up my uniform over the wound. It looks nasty. Motherfucker. I got to get to that girl soon.

    I take a swig of straight alcohol then dump the rest on my wound, not making a sound. I roast the now clean dagger that stabbed me until it's red hot.

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