Chapter 3: Night 2

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Chapter Warnings
Earing disorder

(If there is anything else I should ever add to the Chapter Warnings, please let me know!)

Tonight I find myself watching this girl yell at her boyfriend, who just looks like an idiot, for cheating on her.

"What the fuck, Nadamo? You used me like a bank, and then disrespected me in the worst ways possible! My money spent on your side chick. My money spent on birth control, on protection, not for me and you, but you and HER! I never. Ever. Want to see you again." The girl says, shaking her head disappointed, tears running down her face. Her black ponytail drifts in the wind.

"You're the one who begged me to date you! If it weren't for your money and status, I wouldn't have ever wanted to date you. Why would I date someone who plans everything, and is a super strict rule follower!? It's boring! You're boring." Nadamo says. "I'm glad this is over. Goodbye, Yaomomo."

I watch silently as the man walks away.

I watch the young girl crumple to the ground. I watch silently from the roof as she uses her quirk to make a tissue.

"Hah... and to think that I was pregnant with that assholes kid... never thought I would be glad I had a miscarriage... having a mother with an eating disorder, having a scumbag father... I can just imagine how your life would've gone..."

I overheard what she said, and I felt my heart break for the girl. Miscarriages fuck with your hormones, and women should be comforted through them. Especially since they just lost a baby. It can be mentally taxing... I've known a lot of people in my time who've gone through that.

I fall off the roof, and land in a crouch in front of the girl, who looked up at me, knives being created in her hands.

"I'm gay." I say without thinking.

"I'm Bi. Nice to meet you Gay." She says, having relaxed slightly, still gripping the daggers tightly. "Who are you?"

"Echo. Can't tell by the outfit?" I say sitting down.

"I- well fine then. Why are you here? You are a vigilante who kills and breaks multiple other law-"

"For society. I do a lot of shit for society." I say with a hard edge to my voice that surprised me.

"Sure. For society. That doesn't explain why you are here."

I go silent for a minute, trying to figure out how to not sound like a stalker.

"Well?" She sasses, and I roll my eyes.

"What do you want me to say? That I thought there was a high possibility of him hurting you so I watched just in case he tried anything, and also overheard what you said about having a miscarriage? That my heart hurt for you having to go through that alone? Cause that's the, semi-creepy, truth." I huff, irritated at her impatience.

"Oh. You saw... all of that?"

"Yeah. Heard it all too. The guy's an asshole. I'm really sorry that you wasted your time on him." I say, looking down where the guy had left.

"Yeah... I wasn't ready... He demanded that I be, so I forced myself to be. I got pregnant and really scared and stressed, so I kept making things at random with my quirk. He wouldn't talk to me when he found out, and I was in a really bad mental state... I stopped eating for almost a week and kept using my quirk. My quirk-"

"I know what it does."

"-slowly started to kill me. I fell into a week-long coma and next thing I know I've had a miscarriage, so it's been really hard. I then heard about him cheating, and I just can't anymore. It's too much..." She trails off, looking at the brick wall opposite Izuku.

"Hey. Yaomomo. It'll be alright, okay? I promise. I was told that everything happens for a reason. That baby wasn't ready to come into this cruel world yet. They probably knew you weren't ready either. So it's okay, Yaomomo. It's not your fault that the baby didn't make it. You went through so much so fast, and you had no support. I truly hate that for you." Izuku said, grabbing her hands and rubbing his calloused thumbs on the back of her soft, delicate, but boney hands.

Yaomomo let out a quiet sob and hugged Izuku. It took everything in me to not start shaking wildly, instead settled with basic vibration.

"T-thank you, Echo. It means a lot to me." The black haired girl says, looking at the boy in front of her.

In response I take off my bag then reach inside for an apple. "Here. Eat this. I won't go anywhere until you eat it."

"But I just said-"

"I know. And I want you to eat as much as you can."

"I'm not hungry."

"When you hugged me I could hear your stomach, Yaomomo. Eat."

"Fine!" Yaomomo growls, snatching the apple then taking an aggressive bite.

"Mmph-" She chews, eyes lit up.

"It's good, huh?"

"It's incredible! I've not tasted something so good! Where'd you get it?" She askes.

"I got it from a special store for vigilantes. Orchard sells their apples there." I say with a small smile.

"ORCHARD!? AS IN THEEEE ORCHARD!?" She squeals, and I hold back the part of me wanting to cover my ears.

"Yup. The one and only food based hero. 'Solving world hunger one day at a time'." I said, quoting Orchard's theme.



I get up, dusting my pants off. "Alrighty. Well unfortunately I must bid you adieu."

"Goodbye then, Echo. Thank you for everything tonight. It means the world to me." Yaomomo said.

"Of course." I say, before patting her on the head and walking out of the alley.


Hello Star Children! I give up on indents. 😠 They won't ever stay! But that's okay, saves like 30 minutes of my time 😊. Either way, it's about time I got this chapter out, lol.

Anyway, I really really hope you enjoyed the 3rd chapter rewrite, and have a wonderful night! Don't forget to comment fellas, Sweet Dreams!

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