Chapter 4: Night 3

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Chapter Warnings

(If there is anything else I should ever add to the Chapter Warnings, please let me know!)

I stop on the rooftop to catch a quick breather and to patch myself up from the bank robbery I just prevented. Luckily the idiots only had knives, but they still caught me a couple times. Nowhere near as bad as what I did to them though- I broke their arms and handcuffed them for the police to deal with.

I grab the bandages from my bag and slowly start unwrapping them to bandaged my hip, careful to not jostle it to much to cause it to bleed so abundantly again. I make sure to stretch a little bit to make sure it's in place before I start sewing my hoodie back to normal.

"What are you doing here, Problem Child?" I hear from behind me and I fly into the air with my staff at the ready.

"..." I have my hood on, but I had taken out my voice modifier so I could catch my breath easier.

I want to know how he found me.

I want to know why he thinks I'm a kid.

I want to know most of all how he doesn't recognize me...

I mean, I suppose with dyed hair and a voice modifier, not to mention 5 years of growing it can be difficult to recognize a kid.

I let out a small growl at the man, being my only way to really show hostility towards him. My only hero. I know, I'm fucked up.

"Put it on kid. I'm too tired to go after you right-"

"STOP WITH YOUR MOTHER FUCKING WHIMPERING, YOU GOD FORSAKEN VILLAIN!" I hear an old lady smack something... or someone... and then a loud, muffled scream.

I remember those screams... I've screamed those screams before.

I race towards the noise, Eraserhead in all his glory behind me with his eyes glowing red in fury.

What I didn't know was that the shadows were quaking from my own wrath, and my eyes were such a toxic green that everything stopped as I thumped down into the alley in front of the lady, using my back to block the young, muzzled child in front of me.

I feel something cut into my back and I grit my teeth in the pain.


I slam my staff into her head.

I'm not dealing with her bullshit if I don't have to. Plus, she deserves death.

I watch Eraserhead get off the coms with the police and start tying up the old bitch. Finally doing something useful. I didn't mean that... he's doing something helpful to me.

I turn around to the kid, whose eyes are dilated in terror and severely unfocused. I drop my weapons, and sit on the ground, opening my arms wide in a gesture of peace.

"Can you hear me kiddo?" I say, my voice sounding younger than I remember it being. I swear I hear Eraserhead gasp behind me.

I get a nod from the purple haired kid.

"Okay, you are safe now. Do you know how to take off the muzzle?" I ask slowly but gently as to relax the poor kid.

He shakes his head no, and starts shaking.

"Okay, that's perfectly fine. These designs are pretty complex to figure out. Do you mind if I touch you so I may take it off?"

He nods no, and I very slowly reach for the small latches that rest right below the strap, and unclip the small clips attached to the muzzle's straps from his hair.

After I get the muzzle off him I smell the bile trapped in the muzzle, and I throw it off to the side.

"T-tank ou..." The purple haired boy said, voice incredibly hourse from the abuse. "Wo art ou?"

"Echo, what's your name honey?"

"Shin... shin... zoo." Shinzoo? That's not a common name... maybe shinsou?

"Shinsou?" I try carefully, and the kid nods his head up and down.

"Can you you tell me how old you are?"

"Ixten" This one take me a minute to decipher. There's no way this kid is a teen... I must've heard wrong. He's way to skinny! But then again, he does seem semi tall. It could be possible he was just severely malnourished.

"Sixteen, Shinsou?"


"Okay. Thank you for telling me. Would you like a hug?" I can't believe this kid is the same age as me...

"Y-ya..." Shinsou stutters, and crawls over into my arms and just cries. I run my fingers over his matted purple hair.

"I'm so sorry you've had to go through that... I've been there before. A long, long time ago. I am so proud of you for staying so strong. It's okay to break down now, we've got you... shhh, it's okay honey. It's okay..." I whisper into the purple haired boy's ear and held him tight.

I hate it when kids get hurt by stupid, cruel, abusive, ignorant motherfuckers... I would kill them all if I could.

"Is he hurt anywhere?" Eraser asked cautiously from my side, and I nodded, gesturing carefully to my jaw and nose area.

"Okay." He turns and starts talking into the phone in his hand again.

I look up towards the roof where my voice modifier is. And sigh. I have to get it.

"Eraser?" I ask slowly.

"Yeah kid?"

"Can you get my voice modifier?"

"I- What?"

"Please. I don't want to leave this kiddo alone. He's already passed out in my arms."

"Okay, I'll be right back." Sure enough Eraser had grabbed and handed my modifier to me.

Only seconds layer does a tranq hit me in my neck, and starts stealing my energy. I pull away from Shinsou and start running. One tranq doesn't cause me to pass out anymore, after He decided I needed to be immune, but if I get hit with another I might be fucked.

I make it a couple of rooftops away where a door up to the roof top was unlocked, and climbed down into the building to hide.


Hello Star Children! I decided to update, sorry the update sizes kind of fluctuate haha, I'm just writing what all I need to happen at each point.

Anyway, I really really hope you enjoyed the 4rd chapter rewrite, and have a wonderful night! Don't forget to comment fellas, Sweet Dreams!

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 26 ⏰

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