↳˗ˏˋ seven ˊˎ˗↴

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they got their food and sat down, ibuki taking a seat next to [y/n], who rested her chin atop her water bottle, ibuki's arm hanging on the back of her chair. natsusa had pushed both their chairs closer together before sitting across from them with seiichirou.

the boys had started talking about rugby, so [y/n] zoned out a bit and played on her phone. she had eaten some of her food, but was pretty full and didn't want to finish it. she felt ibuki tap her shoulder with the arm hanging on her chair and she turned to him, eyes showing him she was listening. "you going to finish that?" she shook her head no and slid the food over to him and he patted her shoulder before continuing to eat.

"what the hell?" they heard from the cafeteria entrance. [y/n] knew immediately who it was and looked up, seeing yasunari standing there with yuu and fuuga, who both were trying to get him to quiet down. she rubbed the back of her neck awkwardly, but ibuki and natsusa were fully committed to the plan. she felt ibuki's arm go around her shoulders and he pulled her towards him, leaning in to whisper to her.

"it won't take long for him to crack, but we have to really sell it," he whispered, "so pretend i just said something funny or nice and smile or something." [y/n] did as he said and cracked a small smile, playfully nudging him with her arm. "good girl," he smirked, stroking her head gently before moving back to his original position. natsusa's jaw almost unhinged itself; ibuki really was a little too good at this.

yasunari felt his insides boil with rage, knuckles turning white as he made fists with both his hands. "yasunari, you need to calm down!" yuu gently said, trying to get him to stop. but, yasunari now had tunnel vision and walked over towards the table, hand slamming against it when he got there, eyes burning straight into ibuki's soul. "so, what're you guys doing over here?" he asked.

"eating, idiot. can you go be an angry goblin somewhere else?" natsusa flatly asked. [y/n] suddenly became very interested in the little stain on the table, hands fiddling with her water bottle. she felt ibuki's hand tracing lines on her lower back, a chill running down her spine.

"seriously dude, you're ruining the mood," ibuki shook his head, and yasunari was speechless before looking at [y/n], and, in a split second decision, grabbed her wrist and dragged her out of her chair and out of the cafeteria. "calm down before you hurt her!"

"yasunari, if she comes back broken, i'm going to kill you!" natsusa called after him. [y/n] could barely keep up with how fast yasunari was moving, but eventually, he stopped at the corner where the vending machines were and turned to face her, hand still holding her wrist.

"so, you're hanging with ibuki now?" he asked. [y/n] raised a brow before snatching her wrist away.

"and what if i was? at least he wouldn't freaking avoid me for two whole days."

"i don't talk to you for two days and suddenly you're into him? he's horrible! so needy and such a jerk!"

"you're the jerk for not talking to me! i thought i did something wrong! you know how hard it was to try to come and see you and you'd just run in the other direction with no explanation? i felt fucking awful," [y/n] crossed her arms, leaning back against the wall, "and it sucked because everyone else thought nothing was wrong, so no one could really tell me anything." yasunari blinked slowly, trying to see if he heard her correctly.

"you didn't do anything wrong," he quietly said.

"so, you just avoided me for fun?"

"no! nothing like that. it's just- gah," he groaned, leaning against the vending machine behind him, facing her, "i've never really had someone like me before. so, i panicked. i have no idea what i'm doing, and it sucks because you're amazing and i want this to be something amazing, but i don't know how." [y/n] expression softened, her arms loosening up a bit.

"you could've just said something, y'know. i wouldn't have judged you or anything like that."

"i know, but you're just so amazing and perfect and i'm not, so it's just hard for me to get used to this entire thing," he stared at his shoes. he saw her shadow overlap his and looked up, seeing her standing in front of him.

"if it helps, i feel the same way. so, why don't we work on it together, hm?" she tilted her head slightly, a small smile on her face when she saw him blushing at how close she was to him. she leaned up and quickly kissed his cheek, turning her head to look at the empty corner. "i know you're there, you creeps." natsusa, ibuki, yuu, and seiichirou popped their heads around the corner, awkward smiles on their faces.

"oh, hey guys! didn't see you there! we were just coming to get some snacks," natsusa explained, walking over and throwing an arm around [y/n], giving yasunari a harsh glare as he directed her away. "nice job, kid." [y/n] just shook her head and pried his arm off of her.

"natsusa, he looked like he was going to kill ibuki."

"ibuki would've won, he's much stronger than yasunari."

"what? no he is not!" yasunari gaped, but yuu interjected.

"actually, statistically and physically, ibuki is stronger. mentally though, you're both about the same," yuu offered, but yasunari just shot him a look, causing yuu to panic a bit.

"he's not wrong," seiichirou added.

"got the physically part right," [y/n] muttered, yasunari's jaw dropping once again. "what? you can tell by just looking."

"you're not helping," yasunari dejectedly sighed.

"hey, i picked you, didn't i? lighten up, you've got yourself a goddamn prize," [y/n] checked.

"but y'know, if he doesn't perform, i'm always around," ibuki winked, laughing at yasunari's rage.

[y/n] laughed and poked a finger at ibuki's chest. "i'll try and keep it in mind."

"i'm going to stab my eyes out," yasunari mumbled, [y/n] rolling her eyes as she wrapped her arms around his waist and looked up at him.

"don't do that, they're my favorite," she pouted. his entire body language shifted and he brought his arms around her, placing a kiss on her head.

"this is disgusting, but i can't get enough," natsusa said.

"natsusa, don't ruin it for them. yasunari may never find love ever again. we have to be supportive," ibuki told him.

"i agree," seiichirou nodded. what a quiet guy, [y/n] thought to herself.

"alright, enough of this gross stuff. we have to get to practice," natsusa clapped his hands, looking at [y/n]. "do you want to come watch? maybe he'll actually try and do well since you'll be there."

"yeah, i'll come watch. yuu asked for some help with his app though, so i'll probably be a little distracted."

"good enough for me! let's go, amigos," natsusa grabbed [y/n] and yuu, having them march beside him to the field. [y/n] turned her head and gave yasunari an apologetic smile before natsusa yanked her away again, and yasunari laughed a bit to himself, blush forming on his face.

he got really lucky.


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