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"you said it yourself, didn't you? if you get asked out, you get asked out. so, here i am. asking you out."

"ibuki, i don't know what kind of shit you're planning, but i don't like it."

"so you're just going to let him keep fumbling like this? it's not fair to you. damn near the entire team is practically picking up the slack for him, and i'm not going to say i blame them. you're a beautiful, smart, funny girl and it sucks that you feel like you have to be stuck with an idiot like yasunari solely for his own sake. hell, i think we've hung out more in the last week than he's taken you out in the last month, and that's saying a lot."

"because you guys are my friends."

"do you have any girl friends?"

"no? i've been hanging out with all of you ever since."

"alright, then that's what we're going to do on our date."


"we're going to go out and find you some girl friends. you need that sisterhood support or whatever the fuck. so, go out with me for the sake of everyone's mental sanity," ibuki pleaded, and [y/n] let out a defeated sigh, nodding. "oh, thank the fucking lord. okay, i'm going to tell natsusa what's happening. but, keep it from yasunari. i want him to be pissed off."

"i don't share similar feelings but if this is what it's going to take, then sure," [y/n] shrugged, the two of them parting ways once they arrived at their classes.

[y/n] headed off to the bus stop after her class to get back home, internally freaking out. her brother was coming to visit, so she needed to be prepared. she heard her name called and turned her head, seeing yasunari jogging towards her. she gave him a small wave and glanced at the time on her phone. eight minutes until the bus arrives. "don't hurt yourself, now," she chuckled, seeing him almost trip.

"so, it's true?"


"your date with ibuki."

"how the hell did you hear about that?"

"wasn't exactly not going to hear about it. it's all they were talking about during practice."

"oh, well. yeah. i have a date with ibuki."



"do you like him?"

"he's a good person."

"do you... still like me?"

"you're a good person, too."

"that wasn't a yes."

"wasn't a no, either."

"is there something i'm not doing that he is? am i not enough for you anymore?" his voice was barely above a whisper, and his eyes couldn't meet hers. he stared intently at his shoes, trying not to cry.

[y/n] sighed quietly, wanting to hold him and tell him that he was enough, but she refrained. it was something he needed to figure out on his own.

"you tell me if you're still enough. i'll let you think about it. i have to go," [y/n] chewed the inside of her lip, boarding the bus in silence and taking a seat. she picked at the skin on her thumb, trying not to panic over everything. but, it was hard. all she wanted was for him to give her the same energy she was giving him.

it shouldn't have been this difficult.

yasunari slowly and quietly made his way back to the dorms. he wasn't in any type of mood, so he definitely wasn't expecting natsusa to have everyone over in their dorm. "oh, hey yasunari! back so soon? thought you were going to the store," natsusa said.

"changed my mind," he muttered, not making eye contact with ibuki as he went and laid on his bed, burying himself under his covers. natsusa, ibuki, and yuu all looked at each other awkwardly, unsure of what to say. "can you guys go somewhere else?"

"we would, but we're waiting for seii to finish up his homework before we head out," natsusa shrugged.

"uhm, yasunari, do you think you'd want to look at some game footage?" yuu asked.

"no thanks," he mumbled, voice muffled by his comforter.

"if you have something to say to me, now is the time to do it," ibuki lowly stated. yuu started panicking, trying to get ibuki to stop.

"what are you doing? he's upset, don't provoke him!" yuu whispered.

"why would he be upset? not like [y/n] is his girlfriend or anything. don't hate the player, hate the game," ibuki shrugged, natsusa's jaw almost dropping through the floor. he knew what was happening, but he wasn't expecting ibuki to be so savage about it.

yasunari angrily ripped the covers off and turned towards them, standing up to face ibuki, "you got a lot of damn nerve, you know that? you knew what she meant to me and you still had the fucking audacity to ask her out? a million girls in the world, and it had to be her."

"yeah, jackass, because she's an amazing person and shouldn't have to be tied down to just you. not like you were even doing anything about it; she's just been following you around waiting for you to make a goddamn move for months! she doesn't deserve that kind of uncertainty. it's not fair that she's putting in so much energy, and you're barely giving her any in return. it's painful to watch, so i can't even imagine how it would feel being on the receiving end.

you're a damn coward, tsuru, and i think deep down you know it. you came in here thinking you were ready for a relationship with someone like her to prove that you were grown, but you're not. you've got the mind of a damn child with a schoolyard crush. so, i asked her out on a real date like a real man. come try and pick a fight with me again when your fucking balls drop," ibuki snapped, natsusa quickly grabbing his and yuu's wrists, dragging them out the door.

"bye yasunari, get some sleep!" he jabbered, shutting the door with haste as he pulled ibuki and yuu to seiichirou's room. "ibuki, what the fuck was that?"

"he deserved it," ibuki quietly huffed, crossing his arms as he leaned against the wall.

yeah. he did.


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