New Case & Friends' time

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After sometime...

In SP's cabin

AM: Jai Hind Maddam Sir, SHO Ankita Mehta reporting

IM: Jai Hind Maddam Sir, SI Ishita Mehta reporting

HM: Jai hind, please have a seat

(AM took a seat, while IM was standing beside her, then HM called KS to come to her cabin. In an instant, KS arrived in her cabin)

KS: Jai hind Maddam Sir

HM: Jai hind, please take a seat

(KS sat down beside AM)

HM: So I have called you here because the track record of your police station is very excellent and I am very impressed with it. Keep it up !!!

AM & IM: Thank you Maddam Sir

HM: OK, now coming to the point, I want your police station to be a part of a case which will be led by me and KS because of your excellent track record. Do you have any problem?

AM & IM: no maddam sir

IM: But Maddam Sir, what's the case ??

HM: Hmm...actually this case is related to drug mafias operating in the city. They are destroying our city by pushing youths into taking drugs whose addiction is very hard to remove. They are making young people drug addiction at the age of 21-25 years at which time they should have been doing good for their country. Many people have died due to overdose of drugs. So now it's taking a very dangerous turn. So, I want your MPT to be a part of this case as my team so that we could end them. Understand ??

AM & IM: Yes Maddam Sir

HM: So, you both may leave and inform your members about thise, ok ?

AM & IM: OK Maddam sir, Jai hind

HM: Jai hind

(Now only HM and KS were left in the cabin. They were also discussing about the case. After 2 hours, their discussions finished and then KS went to her cabin. After 3 hours, their duty hours finished and HM was ready to go home. Just then KS entered in her cabin, and asked...)

KS: Maddam Sir, would you please go with me for eating ice cream ?? Please (making puppy face)

HM: ok, I am coming with you

(Saying this, HM went with KS to sit in KS's car but to her surprise, a motorcycle, or we can say the private jet of KS was standing there. On seeing that, she asked KS...)

HM: KS, where is your car ?

KS: Maddam Sir, my car is in parking lot, no need to worry, I will take you in my bike.

HM: but how can I ..

KS: please Maddam Sir (making puppy face)

HM: but..

KS: pleaseee Maddam Sir (making more puppy face)

HM: ok, ok, I am going on your bike, happy ?

KS: yes (proudly)

(Saying this, she went towards her bike and also dragged HM with her. She sat on the bike, while HM sat behind her. KS started her bike. As son as she started it, it rushed out of the headquaters in speed not less than a jet. Due to speed of her bike, HM was really very much scared and she hugged KS tightly around her stomach due to fear while due to HM's sudden action, KS was shocked but later she smiled and became very happy. After 1 hour, they reached a lonely place. Both KS and HM came down from bike and then HM spread her arms and was standing at the cliff, not at the edge, enjoying the cool breeze and peace in the environment. KS smiled on seeing her like this. She went near her and said...)

KS: Are you enjoying it ??

HM: Yes KS, I am enjoying it so much. I like this kind of environment very much, which is peaceful and away from city. Thank you.

KS(showing fake anger): Maddam Sir,Did you forgot that we are friends ?? Then why are you saying thank you. In friendship there is no sorry no thank you.

HM: OK I will neither say sorry nor thank you, ok??


HM: Now, shall we go and eat ice cream or stay here??

KS: OK, we are going to eat ice cream.

HM: then let's go

(Saying this, both went to the ice cream stall to eat ice cream. Sitting on bench, they started discussing..)

KS: Maddam Sir...(interrupted by HM)

HM: Why are you calling me Maddam Sir, I am off duty now, you can give me a nickname.

KS: OK, So can I call you Hassu ?

HM: OK, but only for off-duty and I will call you Karu, OK ?

KS: OK (Smiling)

(Like this they went on for discussing for almost 2 hours and then both went home on bike of KS, where KS went to her home by dropping HM to her home.)

Next day....

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