Haseena's and Santu's Connection

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The next day....

(Haseena was sleeping in her room in her house. Suddenly, her beautiful sleep got disturbed as alarm started ringing beside her. Well, she had to set-up alarm everyday because she lived all alone in her Mallik mansion and no one was there to wake her up. She frowned and herself switched off the alarm. Then she got up, and started doing her normal chores. After sometime, she came to her room, took her uniform, and started wearing her uniform standing infront of the mirror. When she wore the uniform, she smiled seeing herself in the uniform and then took her cap, loaded her gun and then went downstairs and sat on the chair infront of ding table and started doing her breakfast. After doing her breakfast, she packed her lunch, came out, and locked her house. Then she sat in her official car, where the driver was waiting for her. As soon as she sat in the car, the driver started the car and she left for HQ and her two official security cars also went behind her. After sometime, she reached to the HQ and went inside and was just going to enter her cabin when she received a official transfer as well as promotion letter from a constable who, on asking, told that this letter has come from Delhi HQ requesting her for signing the release orders of SHO Ankita Mehta And SI Ishita Mehta and tell them to report to their HQ due to deteriorating law and order situation in Delhi. She accepted the letters and gestured the constable to leave and then she entered cabin. She was going to open the letter when her phone phone ringed and a smile came on her face as it she thought it was Karishma's phone. She immediately picked it up as she thought that it was her best friend Karishma's phone but...)

Person: Jai hind Maddam Sir

HM( while in her thoughts on listening person's voice) : Jai hind, tell, what's the matter my Rabbit ??

Person(shocked): Ma..Madd..Maddam...Sir..wh..what..you.said..just..now ??

HM(coming out of her thoughts): Sorry sorry, actually I called my one important person as Rabbit lovingly. But who are you ??

Person: Maddam Sir I am Santosh Sharma

HM: Sorry sorry Santosh, i called my a n important person as Rabbit. Tell, how you called me.

SS: Maddam Sir, could you please come to *__* Cafe, I wanted to talk to you.

HM: But Santu, umm can I call you Santu ??

SS(smiles): yes Maddam Sir

HM: ok, so Santu, I wanted to say that if you want to say something, then you can come to HQ in my cabin. Here we can talk freely.

SS: No Maddam Sir, I can't come there. Actually Maddam Sir, this is a personal issue, so please meet me at this Cafe, pwleaseeee (making cute and baby voice)

(Haseena smiled hearing her baby voice which reminded her of someone important and then she replied..)

HM: OK I am coming, but when I have to come ??

SS: At 5 pm Maddam Sir, Jai hind

HM: Jai hind

(SS cut the call. But here Haseena was thinking, " she has never agreed to others request except Karishma so much easily, then how she agreed to her. Is she ??" brushing aside her thoughts, she started to complete her files. After completing some files, she saw the time, it was 4 pm, so she came out of her cabin, and went to Karishma's cabin, where she was gazing Karishma standing on door completely forgetting the surroundings and smiling seeing her cute best friend. When Karishma felt a heated gaze upon her, she lifted her head and then saw Haseena smiling at her. She immediately stood up and saluted her.)

KS: Jai hind Maddam Sir

HM: Jai hind

KS: Maddam Sir why you came here, you would have called me in your cabin, I would have reached there in 5 minutes.

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