playing in the rain

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Oliver stopped driving and they all get out of the van for some fresh air. Carina took a deep breath and started spinning around in circles. "How could you be spinning around after getting beaten up like that? you're crazy," Regie said. "I'm used to it and look at the view, it's beautiful!" They looked at the view "Woah, I didn't expect us to drive in the middle of nowhere and find a place like this," Justin said. "sometimes driving with no destination is the perfect escape," Carina said. She went to her backpack and took out a large blanket, "You have that in your backpack the whole time?" Ryan asked. She looked at him, "I always carry it with me, I've discovered new places by just walking with no destination," She lay it down on the grass and everyone sat on it.

"Let's just stay here until sunset," Carina said and everyone agreed. "Oh yea before I forgot," Carina said as she got up, "here, I bought some snacks and drinks for all of us," she said handing out 3 full bags of snacks and drinks. "You bought this for all of us?" Kane ask, she just nodded. They had a picnic and they laughed and chat together. "This hairstyle actually suits you," Sebastian said, "I know right, I'm quite a good hairstylist," she said showing off her hair. "C'mon let's take a pic," Oliver said with his phone in his hands.

It was about 3 when they suddenly heard thunder, Carina quickly told them to get off the mat and hold their drinks with them. They did what she told them too and she tied the mat and put it in the trunk. It was about to rain. Then she took off her sweater and her pants, she had a crop top and mini dance shorts on her. "Put your drinks in the car and take off your top and pants, it's about to rain!"  "But we should go back home..." Darren said. "Just do it! Before it starts to rain heavily!" she said.

They took it off quickly before it starts to rain heavily. They were putting their clothes in the car then it started raining heavily. Carina ran towards the car and plugged her phone in the car radio and blast her playlist. She put the music in max and started dancing in the rain. Oliver took his phone stand and put it on top of the car and started recording. They all ran and dance in the rain.

Then Carina went to the car to take something. "HEY WHO DID THAT?!" Darren screamed. He turns around to see Carina with a water gun. She took out 7 more water guns and handed them. "Was this in your bag the whole time?" Sebastian asked, "Yea it was!" she replied. "Are you Marry Poppins or something, how many more things do you have in your bag?"  "Who knows," she said then she started shooting everyone with the water gun. They all started shooting each other the rain stopped.

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