she's gone

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After watching the video, Oliver admit that it was really fun to play in the rain, but it's really risky. "Yea I agree with you, but at least we're all fine,"  Carina said. "I need to tell you something, and I need advice," Oliver said. "Uh okay?" Carina said. "So there's this girl that I like and she's the sweetest girl I've ever met, she's also funny and reallyyyyyy pretty, I want to ask her out but I don't know how to," Carina was thinking then she said,

"Alright, I have the perfect image in my head, first tell her you both are going somewhere special, just the two of you, then you guys eat lunch together, but of course you gotta pay. Buy her some ice cream or flowers, anything you want. Then bring her to a funfair, I find that really romantic somehow. Try your best to win her some gifts and by sunset, you confess your love to her. Then..." she said in a low voice, and asked him to come closer, "then you kiss her," Then Carina started squealing and hugging Olina. Oliver started laughing, "okay but what if she doesn't like me back?"   "Then that girl just lost someone special," Carina said. "I'm special?" Oliver asks. "I guess, you're really..." Carina said thinking of the right word, "you're a boyfriend material? I don't know, anyways let's take off the mask then we can sleep,"

As they took off the mask, someone rang the doorbell. "Who's that?" Carina asks. "I don't know, maybe is one of the boys?" Oliver said. As she opens the door, she suddenly shouted, "WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING HERE?! HOW DID YOU FIND ME?!" Oliver quickly went out, "Carina, who's that?!" but then Carina was already gone. "SHIT," Oliver said, then he rushed to the boy's room and started ringing the bell. "What do you want? it's already close to 10," Justin ask then everyone got out of their room. "CARINA IS GONE,"  

"wait, what do you mean?" Ryan asked. "She was with me then someone rang the doorbell and she open the door thinking that it was one of you then she shouted something like 'what the hell are you doing here, how did you find me?' then when I went to check on her and she was already gone. We gotta go find her now!" Everyone got down to the receptionist and Kane asks the receptionist if she saw anyone left the hotel minutes ago with a girl. "I'm sorry but there were a lot of people coming in and out of the hotel, so I'm not sure," Everyone rushed outside then they heard a shout. "Over there!" Sebastian said then everyone rushed in that direction.

"We gotta keep it down or else the guy might hear us and run away," Regie said. Then they heard a voice in a dark alley and stopped walking. "What do you want from me, you freak?!" Carina shouted. "Keep your voice down or you're in trouble, I just want to talk to you," The guy said. "What kind of person talks to a person in some dark alley?"   "That's enough Carina, I was wondering if you want to start over?" Carina looked at him and scoff, "Start over?! You want to start over in some dark alley? What the hell is wrong with you? Leave me alone, Luke! Im not interested in you, you stalker" Carina was about to get up when Luke pushed her down, "I don't take no as an answer," Then he took out, what seems like a knife and was about to stab her then...

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