"that's my girlfriend!"

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The boys got the front row seats just like they wanted. 

"hey, can i join in?"  they turned and saw Jake. "yea sure, you can sit next to Oliver," Kane said. Jake took a sit next to him. "so, how are you?" Jake asks. "im good, you?"   "im good too," he replied. There was an awkward silence. They looked at the empty stage, wondering when it's gonna start. Then the principal came out, and everyone clapped. 

"Welcome to the graduation party for our seniors this year! My name is Principal Edward and would like to thank you all for coming today. In a short while, we'll be seeing performance by our lovely students. They've been preparing for this for months now. Now, lets not waste our time and let the performance begin!" Everyone cheered including the boys and Jake. There was singing, dancing, acting and so much more. 

Now it's time for the real ceremony, each students will go out on stage taking their certificate for graduating. All the boys are waiting for Carina to come out. 

"Next is Ms Carina, congratulation for graduating," The boys all cheered for her as she got on stage. "Thats my cousin!!" Ryan shouted. "Thats my best friend!!" Jake shouted. "Thats my girlfriend!!" Oliver shouted. They were obviously the loudest, but they don't care. Carina tried to give them a hint to stop but they just keep on going louder and louder. When it's the next student to take the certificate, they quiet down. 

When all the students can go back to their family, Carina went down and hugged everyone including Jake. "I'm finally free," she said. the boys cheered for her. "wait where's Oliver?" Carina asks then she felt a tap on her shoulder, she turned and saw a big bouquet of flowers. The flowers were so big that it covered up Olivers upper body. Oliver peeked from behind the flowers. "surprise," he said. Carina looked at the flowers for a minute. 

"well... arent you gonna take it?" Ryan asks. "sorry," she said then took the flowers. The bouquet was big enough to cover her up. "woah, this is a little heavy," she said. "wait wheres Carina? she was here a second ago," Jake joked. She looked up and gave him a death glare, while everyone laughed. "can someone take this, i cant see anything thats in front of me," she said. Sebastian took the flowers from Carina. "Thank you, can you put it in the car? i dont think its a good idea to carry around a giant bouquet around school," she said. "alright, see you in a minute, you guys head to the cafeteria first, i'll see you there," Sebastian said then head to the car.

As they all headed to the cafeteria. 

"im just letting you guys know that i have to prepare something for the prom tonight, theres quite a lot of things to do so i might just help out," she said. "alright, how long is it gonna take?" Justin asks. "about 2 hours maybe or longer, so you guys head back home first," she said. "you sure? i mean we can help," Oliver said. "just go home, i'll text you when im done," she said. "alright, whatever you say..." Oliver said


"alright see you later, take care"  the boys said then headed to the car. "bye!" Carina said. She turn around and bumped into Oliver. "Ow- Oh you're still here," she said rubbing her forehead. Oliver hugged her. "dont take too long or i'll miss you like crazy," he said. "Oliver, i'm just gonna be gone for 2 hours. 2 hours!" she said. "2 hours is still a lot of time," he said. she rolled her eyes, "i'll try to be fast, okay?" she said. "alright, dont hurt yourself, i'll kill you if you hurt yourself," Oliver said. "you'll kill me if i hurt myself- okay whatever, now go, they're waiting for you," she said pushing him. "hey! chill, i'll go... once i see you go inside," he said. "what? no, you go first, then i'll go in," she said. "im not leaving till i see you going in first," he shot back. "fine! i'll go," she said then marched in. She turned and looked through the glass door and Oliver waved goodbye to her and she waved back. 

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