PAGE 79: Finale

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Shine little stars


To say that I'm nervous was an understatement. My face felt so heavy with makeup. The reporters flashed their cameras at us. My hands were clammy with sweat, I wasn't sure if I could play guitar in this state.

It's the showcase day.

I felt like I might puke in a second. I was a little grateful that FNS Entertainment had decided to give me a chic and quiet image. They said that would be my charisma as the band's guitarist. They didn't require me to smile at anything at all.

There was a host that interviewed us. Jaehyun and Seunghyub have been assigned to talk more. We even have scripts ready for most of the questions.

"I'm sure many fans are curious about this. What are your ideal types?" The host asked. She turned to Seunghyub first. "Seunghyub-ssi."

"Ah, my ideal type." Seunghyub started. "I think I like someone who's interesting to talk with."

"Like someone who would make you smile?"

"Yeah, that's right."

"Alright, fans. Begin taking notes."

Seunghyub smiled easily at the cameras.


"Yes, well, my ideal type is short haired and someone who knows me well." Jaehyun answered quickly.

"Why the short hair?"

"It's cute." He replied with a chuckle.

"Alright, how about Hweseung-ssi?"

"Uh, I don't have an ideal type."


"Yeah, if she clicks with me, that would be enough."

"Ooh, that's cool." The host commented. "Dongsung-ssi, your ideal type."

Dongsung smiled. "I like someone straight-forward."

"That's unusual. What about Cha Hun-ssi?"

I cleared my throat as the mic was passed to me. "My ideal is just someone who would see right through me." I said quietly.

"Someone with an x-ray vision?" Jaehyun asked, making everyone laugh.

"Is that all?" The host asked.

"I like someone who's a good cook too because I like cooking." I added.

After the interview where my head was barely focused on, we were finally called backstage for a change of outfit because we were going to perform our debut song.

My heart was knocking against my ribcages.

"Seunghyub-ssi, I heard that you produced this title track yourself. Can you tell us what Spring Memories is all about?" The host asked as we were getting ready on stage.

"Yes," Seunghyub answered, holding the mic with his both hands. If he was nervous, it's not showing as much as I was probably showing. "Spring Memories is a love letter to an ex-lover. The person is hoping they could revive their love through the magic or the romantic feeling that the spring season gives off. The song is romantic and a bit poetic but also a little lonely. We thought that it's just perfect for spring as we are finally debuting in this meaningful season."

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