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Chapter 8

*Areum [아름] (adj.) ; beauty/beautiful.


A habit of mine that's similar to a lot of other people is checking my phone right after I wake up before my eyes could even adjust to the fact that I'm awake. My mom always told me back then that kids in 'our generation' are taking our eyesight too much for granted.

Anyway, my phone 'Katalk-ed' exactly as soon as I grabbed it.

lee seunghyub:
good morning, AREUM. :)
what's in our
itinerary today?

big ass letters
for my name.
morning. i think
i'm in the mood
to check out the

lee seunghyub:
hahaha of course.
emphasize on AREUM.
see you later!!

I snorted, smiling so wide before locking my phone and closing my eyes again, burying my face against the pillow.

Damnit. Feels good to like someone.

• •

"So, I was right! He's Korean. His name is Seo Dongsung. Isn't that cute? Like him." Nara cupped her cheeks as she went on and on about the bassist that she met last night. I can't believe she really talked to him, but then again, it's Nara.

I placed my phone on the dresser as I get ready to meet up with Seunghyub later.

Nara squealed in the video call. "Ohmygosh. Like, how can someone be so adorable?"

I smiled, picking my favorite shade of lip stick. The coral one. "So, did you get his number?"

She clicked her tongue before grinning. "Girl, what do you take me for? We exchanged Kakaotalk IDs."

I applied the shade carefully.

"But wait-" Nara said, squinting at the camera. "Are you dolling up?"

"What? It's just lipstick."

"Uh-huh. Put on some perfume too."

"Should I?"

She laughed. "Are you meeting up with Lee Seunghyub again?"

My cheeks heated up. Thankfully, she wouldn't see that through the shitty video quality. "Yeah."

Nara squealed again. Seriously, I think she and I can threaten Mariah Carey's career. "I'm excited for you. I want you to have fun with your summer guy but..."


"Still be careful. If you get too attached, you'll get hurt. You still don't know him that much after all."

"Spoken by someone who asked for a guy's Kakaotalk ID after first meeting."

Nara chuckled, and then turned serious. "But I know what I'm getting into and how I'm taking it."

"And I don't?"

She took a deep breath. "You should. Send me a picture of him anyway. What's taking you so long?"

"Ah. Right. We took them last night. He sent them to me this morning. I'll forward some."

"Yeeees! Time to see who's melting your pessimistic heart."

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