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Chapter 2 | Lovefool

Hun kept laughing and only stopped when Seunghyub hit his shoulder. I glared at him across the table. "My misery must be really making you happy."

"Fool." Hun said, his smile slowly fading. "So, I told you to let go of her. You've liked her since high school. Where is that going? What, are you going to like her even after she's married?"

I sighed, looking away. We're currently in the basement of my family's house taking a break from music. We're waiting for Hweseung to return with the chicken we ordered. I told them about Ahyoung before our maknae left.

"Yah, you're like that because you don't know how it feels to like someone." Seunghyub said to him.

My eyes widened. "Hyung, are you defending me?" I asked dramatically, clutching my chest.

Hun frowned. "Hyung, stop flexing that you have a girlfriend. Your situation was never one-sided like Jaehyun's in the first place!"

Seunghyub smiled very quickly before trying to turn serious again. "But I didn't know that before! You have to confess-"

"He did that! Nine times!" Hweseung said, arriving with two plastic bags. He sat with us and opened the boxes of fried chicken.

"Jaehyunie knows what his problem is!" Seunghyub said defensively as he dramatically waved a fried chicken drumstick in his hand.

"What is it?" I asked lazily as I chew.

Seunghyub looked at me in the eyes. "You never do it seriously!"

"I did! That womanㅡeven when I'm being serious, she always thinks I'm joking. So, what should I do? Aish."

Hun grinned. "Then, make her take you seriously."

"Hyung, how about you stop acting like her friend?" Hweseung asked.

I glared at him. "I'm her friend, dumbass."

"Nooo, I mean, distance yourself from her juuuust a little. And when you're together, don't be too comfortable. Make her heart flutter. Show her that you are the man that she's been missing out!" Even though Hweseung said it all goofily, he actually has a point.

Seunghyub's eyes seemed to light up as he looks at Hweseung in amusement. "Oooh, our youngest, since when have you grown this much?"

"Since enlisting?" Hweseung replied.

I dipped my fried chicken in the sauce. "But no matter how much I show her, she won't realize it because she doesn't see me as a man."

Hun patted my shoulder twice. "Maybe start by getting rid of that curly hair style that's making you look like you're twelve."

I touched my hair self-consciously. "Jaekyung noona said it's nice though."

"Jaekyung noona will always like a reminder that you're younger than her."

I was about to say something when Seunghyub's phone rang and I knew immediately who's calling by the way he smiled stupidly. "It's my Areumie." He said before responding. "Oh, Areum-ah? What are you doing?" He got up to give himself some distance from us. "Guess what I'm eating right now... your favorite..."

His voice faded away and as I watched him giggle in the corner of the room, I wondered if I'd ever have that too. I bit the fried chicken angrily.


During dinner, Jaekyung noona kept looking my way and she might think I didn't notice but I just don't have the energy to call her out for her lack of subtlety. Gaeul left just before the dinner. She always spent her free time with my sister but she hated having to eat over a friend's house.

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