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Author’s note:

hey, everyone! this is the last story of the series and we are left with hweseung's story to uncover. but since this is the finale, the chapters might become longer and i might insert POVs of the past main characters too for closure.

thank you so much to the readers who have patiently waited and continued reading this n.flying series. i hope that you reaching book five is an indication that you are enjoying these stories! it means the world to me. <3





CH. 1
And then we met



You know what's so scary about becoming a real adult? We think we know what's out there but we've barely scratched the tip of the iceberg.

They said college was a good time to get used to a life without your parents' support but I had the privilege to have supportive parents both emotionally and financially and I never had to work part-time jobs to get to tomorrow. I never really wanted to be away so I graduated from a community college.

Of course, graduating from a less known college always had its downs. It took countless job interviews before I finally landed one and tomorrow, I'll be moving out of home to the big, unfamiliar city.

I sighed and grabbed the picture frame on my nightstand. I looked at the picture of myself and my twin brother. "You said we would face adulthood together, you little cheat. Now I'll have to fumble around by myself." I whispered.

It was one of my favorite pictures of ours. There were originally three of us there but I folded it becauseㅡbecause I didn't want to display someone I've erased from my life. Juram was smiling so big. He'd never looked so happy. It was the day his short film won an award in a local competition. He was holding that golden trophy, posing for a picture with his two main actors.

I remember what I was thinking then; that Juram would definitely go farther than I would in life.

He definitely would have if he was given the chance.

"Baram!" I heard mom's voice muffled outside my door.

I put the picture back on the nightstand before I grudgingly got up to open the door. Mom looked kind of excited. "Baram-ah, Hweseung is a celebrity now!" She exclaimed. "He is on TV!"

"Mom, I'm packing." I said. A lie. I had to pack the last few things that I wanted to bring with me but my heart wasn't into it.

Her shoulders dropped. "Come on, honey. You and him were so good together. I know that's ages ago to you but do you really not want to see him succeeding?"

"It's not that I don't want to see him succeed. I just don't care enough to look." I said, looking away. "I'll finish packing up. What are you preparing for dinner, mom?"

Mom smiled a little sadly. "Is there something you want to eat?"

"Anything's fine."

"Okay, I'll call you when it's ready."

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Feb 12, 2023 ⏰

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