Chapter 1

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Mable's POV:
"C'mon Mable, we are going to miss our bus!" Called Jada and Dipper from down the hall. Finally it was summer and we were going back to Gravity Falls.
"I'll be there in a second!" I screamed. I just needed to finish packing my sweaters and hairbrushes. Oh yeah! And makeup, my big sister Jada finally let me wear hers after begging and begging for a whole month! Now my cuteness had sky rocketed. I finished putting everything in my bag and got waddles from the backyard. When we got back from the shack last summer Dipper and Jada helped me build a little room for him. He was the best! He never jumped in mud or got dirty so mom and dad let him in the house during the day! At night they made me leave him outside though
"Mable, are you coming?" called Dipper. That woke me up from my daze.
"Yeah I'll be right there." I called back running down the hall. Dipper already went outside, but Jada waited for me. She was 16 and the same age as Wendy. Unless it hasn't been Wendy's birthday yet and she is still 15, who knows? We walked outside. Just as the bus pulled up to take us to the airport. We were the only ones on the bus besides a family sitting at the front. The three of us sat in the back and Jada was in the middle.

Dipper's POV:
Finally we are going back to Gravity Falls. Maybe Wendy will finally like me. Now that I'm thirteen. Well she's sixteen now so what's the difference. Maybe I can start things off using Jada. If I introduce Jada to Wendy maybe I could use it as small talk! Yes! I need to make a list. I got out my back pack and started writing.
Plan A
1. Introduce Wendy to Jada
2. Small talk
3. Talk about how school went.

I continued on my list.
"What are you writing there?" Squealed Mable leaning over Jada.
"Uh nothing!" I said quickly shoving the list in my bag.
"C'mon show us!" Chanted Jada and Mable. I put my backpack behind my back to hide it. Luckily the bus was At the airport.
"Uh, hey guys we are at the airport!" I said quickly and got up. Phew! I don't think they noticed. We got off the bus and walked into the airport. Last time, we did this our mom brought us here to help us find the right plane. Today that was Jada's job.
" we are departure five and that is leaving in....FIVE MINUTES" Jada exclaimed. Uh oh this can't be good. Jada grabbed both of our arms and took off. Jada is very strong and very fast. She is a very good kickboxer and became a UFC fighter at fifteen. And this was just last year. She and I do track. She's really fast and usually pulls me along with her. Mable always comes with us so she can flirt with the highschoolers. I'm not to bad myself because they actually let me run with them. Jada grabbed my arm with one hand and Mable's arm with the other and ran. Wow she must really want to go to Gravity Falls because that's the faster she has ever ran. I felt like I was flying that's how fast she was running. My feet barely ever touched the ground until we got to the gate. The women standing there told us we were lucky we made it there in time. We quickly boarded the plane and took our seats. Me and Mable sat on opposite sides of Jada. Lucky we got their when we did because as soon as we were settled, the plane took off.

Jada's POV:
Phew! We made it onto the plane just in time. I can't wait to see my great uncle. I used to go to Gravity Falls every summer since I was five, but last year, the first time I didn't go, I badly injured my arm. I'm not sure if my brother and sister know I went every year. They knew I always left for the summer, but I don't think my parents ever told Dipper and Mable where I was going. I was so excited last year to finally get back to gravity falls and now that Dipper and Mable were going it would be awesome! Last summer, just a week before we were supposed to leave, my parents took us surfing. I had finally found a great spot in the ocean where I would ride a huge wave back to sure and Dipper and Mable were video taping me. That's when I felt the most excruciating pain in my life. A tiger shark had bit my right arm. Luckily it didn't take the whole thing, but now a have the biggest bruise that will never go away. At least now I could tell all my friends in Gravity Falls my great adventure. I wonder if Dipper and Mable met all my friends their. My best friend Wendy works at the Mystery Shack so I'm sure they have met. The last time is saw her she had just got her braces off and stopped wearing pigtails. We would take pictures together and look like lunitics!
"So are you guys excited for Gravity Falls?" I asked.
"YES IT IS THE BEST!" Mable shouted.
"Shh," Dipper and I yelled covering her mouth with our hands. She licked our hands.
"Eww gross," Dipper whined. I had to laugh even though I did think it was gross.
"This is your captain speaking and we will be arriving in Gravity Falls, Oregon in just a few minutes. Everyone please put on your seatbelts." said the pilot of the plane.
"Well I guess we are almost there," I said smiling.

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