Chapter 2

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~Authors note
Hey everyone...I just wanted to let you guys know that this takes place basically after the first season. Nothing has yet happened from season two of gravity falls, but some will happen in this story. Maybe not this chapter, but eventually it will. Enjoy!

Dipper's POV:
I think my plan might actually work and I'll have a chance with Wendy! Jada is my key to started a good conversation with Wendy. I could tell Wendy all about her. It will be great. I awoke from my daydream as the plane landed. We took off our seat belts and Jada got our bags for us from the storage compartment at the top.
"Finally..." Jada said in a daydream-like way. "C'mon guys" she said started to head off the plane. Me and Mable followed her. Mable had the biggest smile on all summer.

Mable's POV:
"Jada I can't wait this is going to be the best!" I shouted.
"Neither can i" she said smiling.
"Okay so when i talked to grunkle Stan he said to catch a cab to the mystery shack because he had to work" Jada said and laughed at the end. She'll have to get used to grunkle Stan I guess. I wonder if she'll get along with Wendy, Robbie, and the rest of the gang. Probably...
"Mable let's go!" Dipper whined waking me up from my daze.
"I'm coming I'm coming" I said catching up to them. We got out of the airport and were waiting for a taxi. It felt like we were waiting for days. Finally one stopped and we got in.
"Jada I can't wait!!" I exclaimed. She didn't answer she just smiled. She rarely smiles this often.
"How long until we get there" I whined.
"Mable please," dipper said annoyed.
"What am I embarassing you dipper" I asked. I always did this. For some reason I found it fun.
"Both of you be quiet we will be there in a minute" Jada said messing up both of our hair. Finally I see the shack and grunkle Stan and Soos were waiting outside.
Dippers POV:
This is my moment to finally talk to Wendy. I can't believe we are here. The taxi felt like it was moving so slow, but finally it stopped. First I stepped out. Then Jada. And finally Mable. For a second I thought time stopped, we were all so happy nobody said anything.
"So hey guys!" Mable said excited.
"Hi!"grunkle Stan and Soos both said in unicine. That's when Wendy walked
"Oh Hey Wendy!" I said a little to excited. "This is my sister-". I was shocked with what happened next. My whole plan was ruined.
Jada's POV:
Finally back in Gravity Falls after two years. I couldn't wait to see my best friend Wendy. When she came outside I realized that dipper and mable really had no idea I had ever been to Gravity Falls. Dipper started to introduce me to Wendy. We accidentally cut him off. As soon as Wendy came out we ran to each other and hugged.

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