Chapter 2

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" Your alone?" Draken ask while smiling at him.

The raven got startled when someone just came and sit with him.

"A glass of Cabernet Sauvignon Wine for Mr. Hana" the bartender said handling a glass of red wine.

The raven then just took it and smiled at the bartender.

"What would you like Mr. Ken?" the bartender ask looking at the tall man.

"I'll have the same as always" Draken said still looking at the raven.

"Your Rosemount Shiraz wine will be right on the way sir"the bartender bow and prepared the wine.

"Your also a regular here" Takemichi ask drinking his wine.

"Yes, but it's my first time seeing you here" Draken said still admiring the ravens face. "To all men and women  that I already hooked up with, his most beautiful that I have seen" Draken thought and about to caress the ravens face but the raven stops his hand.

"I always been here since I was a teenager but when I already got a job, I visit this place sometimes" the raven said stoping the tall man from touching his face and then smiled at him.

The tall men then just smirk."Feisty, I see" he thought.

"Here's your Rosemount Shiraz Mr. Ken" the bartender said handling a the a glass full of wine.

"Please enjoy sirs" teh bartender then bow and go to his next customer.

Draken then take a sip. "So what's your name?" He ask.

"Mitchi"Takemichi answered.

"Is that your real name of nickname?" The tall man ask again.

"It's my nickname, I don't give my real name people I don't know" The raven answered drinking his wine.

"Then, You can call me Draken" the tall man then smiled.

"Draken, what an odd name" the raven said and Draken then just laugh.

"Does it suit me?" The tall man ask leaning his face close to the raven.

The raven then drink the whole glass of wine and ask the bartender for another one.

"Maybe, maybe not" the raven answered.

After hours of talking about each other until Takemichi got wasted.

"Ne, Draken-kun can I ask a question?" Takemichi said after drinking 5 glass of the one he ordered and laying his head on the table while looking at the tall man because the wine he ordered is one of the strongest one of the bar.

"Draken-kun? I like this side of yours more. What is it?" Draken answered.

"Did you already experience falling in love?" The raven made the tall man stop from drinking by the question he ask.

"Hmmmm, I already experience it but   she only treated my as sex partner" Draken close his eyes then just smirk from what he said.

"Oh, sorry about that" the raven said facing his head in the table.

"For what? That isn't your fault" Draken said stocking the ravens hair.

"Don't touch me" the raven then stops Draken's hands.

"Okay, okay" the tall man said and just laugh.

They have a little chat after that then Draken ask a question.

"Are you free after this?" The tall man said resting his chin in his hand.

And ofcource Takemichi got the cue. "Yeah" the raven then sits straight and crossing his legs.

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