Chapter 7

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So, I thought I'm going to be busy because of my module but I guess not because too lazy to do it 💅


"It's been a long time. I'm finally back"  the man said taking off his sunglasses.

"Oh, Right I haven't told mom and dad that I'll be going back today so no one is going pick me up here," the with sand brown eyes said and let out a sign.

He then raises his right-hand signaling that he needs a taxi or a cab, it didn't even get 1 minute until a white taxi stops in front of him and then he gets in with his meleta/bag/suitcase.

"Where do you want to go, sir?" The driver asks.

"In the Hana-" before he could finish what he is saying, he thought something, "I'll just come home later, I'm going to him first," he thought. "At the HG company please," he said smiling.

"Okay sir" the driver replied then drive off.

When he was already inside the company all the girls were whispering and admiring how handsome he is, even tho he is already wearing a hat and his sunglasses, you can say that he's handsome by just looking at his features.

He was about to enter the elevator that is just for the higher-ups but three guards suddenly stops him.

"Sir, this elevator is only for the higher-ups and you also don't look like someone who works here. If you wouldn't mind can you show us your ID?" one of the guards asked.

The man with sand brown eyes then smile at them, he then gets his wallet and lends them a gold card that has an "H" mark that means that this person is a family member of the company's owner and also an important one.

"Ah! Sorry for disturbing you, sir!" All three guards bowed and while giving back the gold card to the man. "If you wanted we can guide you to the floor you wanted to go!"

"No, it's okay, I can go there myself," The man said getting his card back, and entering the elevator.


"Hina, tell the production team to pass their report tomorrow also we already decided who'll be our model for our new product, call Hakkai Shiba from the Sano Corp. and also cancel all my schedule for tomorrow, mother was asking me to have a family reunion with her," the raven said focused on his works and let out a sign on his last phrase.

"Yes, sir," Hina said and bowed at the raven and leave the office to do her task.

Raven lay his head a bit then went back to his work. He then heard that someone is opening his office door, he didn't look at who was it because he thought it was Hina.

"Do you need something, Hina?" The raven said.

"Did you mistaken your older brother as your secretary?" The man with sand brown eyes, black hair with yellow streaks tied up said.

Takemichi then stops what he is doing and look and got surprised by who is it. "Kazutora nii- san!?" The raven then stands up from where he is sitting.

"It's been a long time, my cute little brother mitchi," Kazutora said, again taking off his sunglasses.

"It's been a long time, my cute little brother mitchi," Kazutora said, again taking off his sunglasses

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Hanagaki Kazutora
23 yrs old
Takemichi's older brother and the Hanagaki's 1st son.

Because of Kazutora being the 1st born son of his family that means he's the one who will inherit their company but he doesn't want too so when Takemichi was 18 and his 20 yrs old, he left their house and went to another country, he left a letter that him going to another country but he still contacts his parents and Takemichi on how he is there. He is also a famous author named "Lynx" with many fangirls because of his famous romance novel book.

"So what are you doing here? And why didn't you tell me that you are going back today?" Takemichi asks his brother who is sitting in front of him drinking his tea comfortably.

"Why is there something wrong going back to the land where I was born?" Kazutora replied while grinning which made Takemichi have an irk mark appeared in his head.

"Your the one who left me with this work that was supposed to be yours," the raven thought. "Btw, have you told Mom and Dad yet?" The raven asks.

"No, I'm going there with you after your work, I know that the old lady will scold me when I got there," Kazutora said a little bit worried because he know how much he made his mom worried and how much his mother is going to scold him.

"So what are going to do before I finish my work then?" Takemichi asks.

"Hmmm, let's have lunch," Kazutora said.

Takemichi then looks at his watch. "It's 10:50 am already, maybe we should," Takemichi said turning his head back to his brother.


Draken was waiting inside of his car in front of Takemichi's company wanting to have lunch with him too but he saw Takemichi go out but with someone getting inside his car and driving off.

"Kazutora? Why is he with mitchi?" Draken thought and follows them.

To be continued ...............

Bdisbshvsus finally I got my boredness to go away. Hope you enjoyed this chapter ʘ‿ʘ

*Wrong grammars
*Wrong spellings
*And other mistakes that I made in this chapter

*Wrong grammars*Wrong spellings*And other mistakes that I made in this chapter

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