Chapter 11

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Takemichi called out Hina's name when he pass by her desk while walking towards his office. Hina then immediately stands up and walks beside the Takemichi.

"Yes, sir?"

Hina said walking confidentially with her boss, having whispers from the other employees that they pass, on how charismatic and respectful Hina and Takemichi look by just walking.

"What's my schedule today," Takemichi asks with a tired voice because of what he did last night.

"There is no specific schedule for you this day sir" Hina answered Takemichi while opening the raven's office door. Takemichi went in, took off his jacket, and just throw it on his sofa while walking to his chair and sit to his pile of paperwork.

"Good" Takemichi who is focusing on the paper that he is reading right now answered.

"You look tired. Did you do something last night?" Hina asks while picking Takemichi's jacket and putting it in the right place and starts walking up in front of Takemichi.

"No, nothing happened. Maybe I just woke up on the wrong side of the bed" Takemichi answered with a regretting face and Hina hums as a reply and just a minute ago, Hina also notice the way Takemichi walks, it looks like he hurt his back or something.

"You seem to walk differently today. Did you start to exercise or something?"

Hina asks another question which made Takemichi want to smash his head on the table while smiling because of the question. Takemichi then puts down the paper he was holding and gives off a gloomy aura.

"If you call an exercise having sex with someone who has monster dick for more than 10 hours......yes, yes I did" (bruh, your the one who suggested it in the first place 🍵)

Takemichi answered in his thought while having some irk mark popping on his forehead. "Yeah, you can say that.........ha ha......" He said while avoiding the rosy brown girl's gaze while crying on the inside.

Hina who is still suspicious of Takemichi's actions today and was not convinced by his boss's answers.

"Hmmm..... okay......then would you some tea?"

Hina suggested, even sometimes Takemichi left her with a pile of work Takemichi is still her boss and also her friend so she is also worried about him.

"That would be great"

Takemichi then let out a sigh and showed a bright smile to Hina which made her smile back.

"Do you want a green tea or a black tea?"

Hina asks while Takemichi layed his head on his chair.

"Green tea please"

Takemichi said with a little chuckle in his voice like making it a little joke.

"Okay then" Hina replied with a smile.

Hina then bowed and walks towards the door to prepare a tea for Takemichi but before she opens the door she remembered something that she has to say to Takemichi.

"Btw, I forgot to tell you that your 2nd brother is going back today," Hina said making Takemichi sit straight and look at Hina.

"Kisaki nii-san is?" Takemichi said with an excited tone in his voice, having his favorite brother to come back after 1 one month of business trip.


"Good morning sir!"

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