Chapter 19

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•Wrong grammars
•Wrong spellings
•And other mistakes that I made in this chapter
•Hope you enjoy


A cute chapter for you guys :>
I didn't reread this again so sorry for mistakes!

The amount of desire that Draken is holding back to kiss and bring the raven to bed is so tempting but his still trying to stop his self to devour the small male since he is still courting him.

"Uh.." Both of them looked away from eachother eyes feeling the awkwardness while still blushing.

"So um..are you still staying for the night?" Draken ask while letting his hands go away from the raven's waist.

Takemichi then just nods while still looking away from the taller male while being flustered. Draken can't help but smile.


Draken brought Takemichi inside the yacht and lead him to the guest room even tho he wants to share the same room as him, but his lucky today cause Takemichi feels the same and wanted to sleep the same room with Ken.

Takemichi is now inside the bathroom taking his bath before going to sleep while Draken is drinking some wine on a bathrobe waiting for the raven.

Takemichi gets out of the Cr with also a bathrobe and wet hair and body. The drips of water on Takemichi's neck making the eye of the other follow it until it slides down on the raven's body.

Draken then stands up and dries up Takemichi's hair which made Mitchi surprised a bit. When they were ready to bed, Takemichi on pajamas while Draken is half naked with a pajama pants. They cuddled while the taller male is patting the smaller one with his hands making the other one comfortable. It made Takemichi fell asleep. Draken smiled and kiss his forehead thinking that he'll never let go of him..never.

Morning came and the raven is awake but had his eyes close and was about to hug the next thing beside him but he felt empty, there is no one beside him. He then opened his eyes seeing an empty spot where Draken is suppose to be sleeping. He sits up and rubs his eyes slowly and looks around. His eyes caught the view of the balcony on the yacht, the view of the sun that's is shinning beautifully and the blue sea that is shinning like diamonds. He smiled until he smelled something burned?

He then get up from the bed and check what was burning. The smell lead him to the kitchen of the yacht. He was surprised seeing Draken cooking while wearing an apron, half naked. He looks hot in that but Takemichi was uneasy the way the other male's food smell.

"What are you doing..." Takemichi asked as he walks towards Draken. The taller male was a bit surprised by him.

"I'm making breakfast" He said confidently making Takemichi chuckles. Takemichi then looked at the burned the other one is cooking.

"Ken..the egg is already burned.."He said with a bit of smile.

"W-WHAT-" Draken then panic and accidentally holds the pan without gloves or pot holder making him grits on the pain.

"Ken!" Takemichi then holds the other male's hand and wash it on the sink water.

Takemichi then turned the stove off and puts the pan aside (ofcource with the pot holder na). He then wash the clean towel with water and puts it on Draken's hand.

The raven made the taller male sit and let out a sigh that made Draken noticed it and smiled at him. The way he was worried for him and took care of him made him happy. He then pats the raven with his other hand.

"Let that wet towel stay in your hand at least 10 mins" Takemichi said.

"Oh- what about breakfast. I still need to cook something for you-" Draken then was cut off by Takemichi. "I'll make it don't worry so just sit down there"He said. "And to what I saw while you're don't know how to cook am I right?" And arrow then stabbed Draken.Killing Spree. "Your egg was burned and you still haven't took it off from the pan" A second arrow stabbed. Double kill. "I can smell it from the room but you were just standing there looking at it" 3 arrows added. Savage. Draken was then sulking cause truth really hurts.

"Sorry...I just want to make breakfast for you" Draken said with a kinda sad tone. Takemichi then looked at him while he puts the pan on the sink. "It's okay, at least you tried" Takemichi smiled.

Draken saw how the other male cook breakfast. Takemichi is coating the Bread with a mixture of milk, egg, sugar, and butter while waiting for the pan to have the enough heat. He then add another butter on the pan and spreads it then fry the bread pans he prepared.(I don't know how others do their french toast but this is how I do mine ; ))

French toast done.

After the toast he then fry bacon and sunny side up eggs then brew some coffee while waiting for the bacon and eggs to get cook.
After everything was settled, he did the platting and puts a plate infront of Draken with 2 toast bread, one sunny side up and 3 bacon, same goes to him.

The taller male was looking at him with such warm eyes thinking that a role of being a wife really suits the raven, he then chuckles it off while looking at him. Takemichi noticed and looked at him with a confused face and walks towards him.

"You seem happy, did you imagined something that made you laugh?" The raven ask while getting the wet towel on Draken's hand and rubs it with a dry one.

"Yes" Draken answered while looking at the raven.

"What is it" The raven then puts some ointment on the taller man's palm.

"You being my wife" He grinned at the raven
while an irk mark then appeared on Takemich's forehead and suddenly squish the other's man hand making Draken hiss from the pain."Okay- okay- I'll stop I'll stop" Draken didn't expect such strength from the raven from his small body. He then saw a blush from his face and his ears. His red as a tomato which made Draken smiles and just continue to look at the raven while Takemichi is covering his palm with gauze.

They finished their breakfast, the raven couldn't even count how many times did Draken complemented him by how good the food he cooked by he isn't complaining tho..he likes being complemented by the taller men.

Takemichi didn't have spare clothes but good thing Draken was ready and brought clothes before their date happened because he at least wants something that Takemichi can wear the next day if they spend the night together. Draken then drop the raven infront of the raven's company. Before the raven was about to leave the car after saying his thanks and goodbye's he was stopped by the taller men asking for a kiss in the chick as a joke until Takemichi really kiss Draken's chick and then leaves which left Draken surprised. He then holds his chicks and left happily ever after- I mean he left with such big smile on his face.



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