chapter 5 : everything i wanted

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A small stand was placed on the front just below the platform. It has a green and red button. I guess that's how we will cast our vote.

Three of the guards started gathering us to the right side. Another guard draw a line using a white tape. After they were done, they went to their assigned places behind the square guard.

"As you can see, there's a podium in front of you. If you wish to continue playing, press the green button. If you wish to stop, press the red. When you're finished voting, move over to the other side and wait. The voting will go in reverse order of the numbers on your chests. Player 456, please cast your vote." the square guard announced.

I could feel the tension in the air. Everyone looked at player 456, he was standing beside my grandpa. He then slowly walked to the front.

Standing there, he took a moment to decide what to vote. A beep was heard. The TV above showed that he pressed the X button. I released a breath I didn't know I was holding. 

Player 456 went straight to the other side. The next player was called and she walked to the podium. She turned to look up at the pig. After moments of thinking, she decided to continue the game.

I felt my stomach dropped. Just why?! Why would someone wish to continue this stupid game?! Aren't they scared? You could literally die here at any point!

The voting continued. It kept overpassing until it was now 50-50. I swallowed the lump on my throat. I subconsciously played with the hem of my jacket to ease my anxiety.

"Player 218" the guard called.

Sangwoo left my side and walked to the front, my eyes following him. He contemplated before pressing to continue.

HUH?! Is he fucking serious right now?!

He turned around to go to the other side but our eyes meet. I looked at him with questioning and betrayal in my eyes. He looked away as he walked to the side.

My muscles tensed with the thought of staying here longer. I couldn't bear seeing another person die. Or what if I die? No, I'm not dying here. I still have a future ahead of me.

And also, I'd rather jump off a cliff than die in this outfit. Hell!

It was now the curly haired woman's turn, she voted to continue. She was the first one to beg for the game to stop. I furrowed my eyebrows and crossed my arms.

Why did she want to continue? I don't understand. Is this because of the prize money?

"Have you all gone crazy?!" a man shouted. "We have to leave. We can't keep putting up with this insanity!"

"So what if we leave?" the woman countered.  "Tell me, what changes. Just as bad out there as it is in here, goddamn it." she added and walked to the other side.

"She's right." another man, agreeing. "If we stop right now, that only helps the ones who are dead. They'll get a 100 million won and not us. We made it through! They're out! That money is ours."

"Please! Think about what just happened out there. Come on, let's go" a man said, frustrated.

"Where am I supposed to go, huh? Out there, I don't stand a chance. I do in here. No, I've got nothing out there. Come on, let's finish this thing!" he shouted, determined. "I'd rather stay here and keep going than go back to the bullshit out there."

"You jerk! You got some kind of death wish? Go die alone! Don't drag everybody else into this, you little shit!" a man grabbed his collar.

One of the guards went down and pointed his gun to stop them.

"We will not condone any kind of act that impedes this democratic process." the square announced. "Now, let us resume the voting."

The remaining players went on with the reverse order. I never expected so many people to choose to continue after everything that happened.

"Player 018, please come to the front" the square called out, waking me up from my thoughts.

I hurriedly walked to cast my vote. I pressed the red button without hesitation and went to the other side. I silently begged for this to be over with.

Excruciating minutes passed, and it was now my grandpa's turn. The numbers on the screen was equal. The final decision is on the hands of grandpa.

I miss the scent of newly shopped designer bags, i miss the feeling of trying on new clothes, and i miss the the comfort of my own room. It hasn't been a day but it feels like I've wasted half of my life here already.

I could hear my own heartbeat as the room was silent with tension. I saw how my grandpa had a hard time considering. He paused, then pressed the X button.

My face lit up and my eyes wide. I wanted to jump. I felt like I just defeated death... like literally.

However, my internal celebration was cut short by other players' shouts of disapproval. It was like a sudden deafening thunder to a perfectly sunny day. What they were expressing was the total opposite of mine.

"The majority of the players have voted to terminate the game. Therefore, this game is now terminated." the square announced.

"Hey! Okay, anybody who wants to leave, they can go. But let the one's who want, stay!"

"Half of us died already! We can't just stop here!"

"He's right! Please let us stay!"

Most of them were begging to continue the game. I genuinely don't get it. Are they that desperate to win that money that they're willing to trade their life?

"It truly is a pity that we must say goodbye to you like this. However we will not completely seal the door of opportunity for all of you. If the majority of you wish to participate again, then we will resume the game. So, goodbye for now."

Ugh, thank goodness!

Votes and comments are appreciated :D

(btw, this is not finished yet lol)

player 018 | squid gameWhere stories live. Discover now