chapter 7 : favorite crime

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The sun was already high when I woke up. I stretched my limbs and just stared at the ceiling. I fell asleep scrolling through my phone last night, distracting myself from my dilemma.

My mind was a mess. My body was tired. Still, I forced myself to get up. I went to take a hot shower.

After a good 40 minutes of spacing out and actually cleaning my body. I picked a comfortable outfit. Just an oversized black tshirt and a pair of black sweatpants.

When I was satisfied with my appearance, I headed downstairs to eat. I didn't even noticed I was starving until I smell the sweet aroma of pancakes and fried eggs.

There was already a plate on the table. I instantly sat on the chair and started to munch. A maid was also here in the kitchen.

"Good morning, y/n" she greeted with her soft smile.

"Have you seen dad?" I asked, while bringing the fork to my mouth.

"He went to meet someone. Oh, I almost forgot. He said he doesn't want you to leave the house and he also said you're gonna discuss something with him and your grandpa later." she replied, I'm almost sure I heard the worry in her tone but I just chose to ignore it.

"Okay" I muttered, not meeting her eyes.

I'm still not planning on going out anyway. Though, the second statement made me a bit nervous. What would we need to discuss with my grandpa. Maybe it's about the game.

Out of nowhere, Sangwoo suddenly appeared on my mind. I remembered how our hands touched when he helped me get up. And I remembered our little eye contact after the game.

I felt my cheeks flushed. Omg. Why am I thinking about that?! I cleared my throat, and just finished eating.

I was in my room watching one of my comfort movie when I heard a knock on the door. I paused my TV and opened the door. It was my dad, he's wearing his usual formal attire.

"Come downstairs. I want you to meet someone." he commanded and left.

I began to feel anxious. I swallowed hard before I followed him.

There were three people sitting in the living room. It was dad, grandpa and a man I've never seen before. I sat on the farthest sofa, not wanting to be with their presence.

"Y/n, meet the front man. He's the one in charge of the game." my dad introduced.

The one in charge? My eyes riveted on the man. He seems not younger than 30, has a clean haircut, and overall a very intimidating aura. I looked away and didn't say anything.

"Good evening, miss l/n. It's a pleasure to meet you." He stood up then bowed.

"Um... Good evening." I also stood up then bowed to not be disrespectful. My response was short so they'd get the hint that it wasn't very nice to meet him.

My dad let out a forced cough to avoid the awkwardness. "As you know, you're going there with grandpa. You don't need to worry. The game is programmed to not get you eliminated." Dad ventured.

"You're telling me not to worry. What about the people who'd get murdered?" I pointed with a tight voice.

"It's not murder when people come there with their own will," the front man answered.

I raised my brow at him. "They need the money. We're saving them from their crisis. And you saw how they begged to continue the game even after knowing the cost." he continued.

I hate that he's right. I was left speechless, no words came out of my mouth.

"Coming from the former winner of the games! You heard that y/n? He's one of the lucky souls that survived and got millions of fortune." Dad said proudly.

Wait. He's played the game before? Then why did he chose to stay and work for them instead of just live his life with the money. I glanced at my grandpa to see his confirmation.

He was just staring at the coffee table. It doesn't even look like he's listening at all.

"You and grandpa will stop playing after the 4th game. That's the plan. So if I were you, don't get attached to any of the players." My dad suggested.

"Im not good at making friends anyway" I responded, looking down. My dad didn't seem worried at all, but it doesn't bother me anymore. I'm used to him ignoring my life at this point.

Agonizing days passed with me locked up in the comfort of my bedroom. Sung-ho frequently visited me, he told me he wanted to come too but I disagreed.

Part of me wanted for the day to come by so that this nightmare would be over soon. Another part of me wanted the time to stop, that way I wouldn't have to experience the terrible situation of participating in the games.


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